Association for Biology Laboratory Education

ABLE 2025 Mini-workshops

Extended Minis

Generating a Simulated Dataset for Community Ecology Analyses

Tegan Barry and Jenny McCune – University of Lethbridge

During this workshop, participants will learn how to set-up and run a team-based sampling exercise to generate a simulated dataset for use in third-year Community Ecology labs. The goals of these exercises are to help students learn about the structure of Community Ecology data, conduct an indoor sampling exercise regardless of weather or season, and to generate a dataset that students feel connection and ownership to. The activities in this workshop are designed to increase the approachability of large-scale data to help students confidently work up to multivariate Community Ecology analyses. Participants will learn how to prepare and run the lab by taking part in the sampling and data exploration exercises, and gain insight into how the simulated dataset can be used in labs throughout the term.

Intended for: Biology Majors & Non-Majors; Intermediate (Sophomore – Junior); Upper (Senior – Grad Student)

Genome-wide association studies: why not teach it easy?

Estelle Chamoux – Bishop’s University

Ten years after the release of the first complete human genome, genetic biobanks feed a mass flow of information to biomedical research, personalized medicine and drug development; moreover, everyone can now have their DNA checked for ancestry or health-related traits analyses. Meanwhile, researchers have developed powerful tools such as genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to label genomic sequences and identify their associations with human traits, risk factors, diseases, or ancestry. This genomic revolution relies on key concepts that biology students must master, whether they are going on as graduate students in research labs, employed in drug development and pharmaceutical industries, or directing themselves in medicine or veterinary careers. Incorporating GWAS into the curriculum of BSc biology/health science majors is becoming a pressing issue. However, teaching GWAS and genetic mapping of causal variants can be challenging for lab instructors who did not learn such techniques during their studies; moreover, the “wet” part of such studies is better performed in a high-throughput sequencing facility that can analyze thousands of variants simultaneously rather than in a teaching lab. Instructors may be reluctant to teach a lab on GWAS that calls upon students’ analytical and strategic skills without much manipulation beyond DNA extraction. We, therefore, created a simulated lab in which students must discover the genetic variant supporting the transmission of a human trait. We made colourful and straightforward tools to help students picture complex concepts such as linkage disequilibrium and familial recombinant association studies. During the 90-minute workshop presented at ABLE, participants will perform selected portions of the lab. Like students, they will use our simulated tools to identify, locate and associate a genetic variant with a trait. This workshop will equip instructors with an easy-to-implement simulation, a guided workflow and sample calculations with optional add-ons to introduce GWAS to their students successfully.

Intended for: Biology Majors & Non-Majors; High School, Introductory (Freshman), Intermediate (Sophomore – Junior)

Disease, Decisions, & Data – A Data-Rich Case Study With GMO Mosquitoes

J. Phil Gibson, PhD – University of Oklahoma and Peter J. Park – Farmingdale State College

Many biological challenges demand collaborative, data-driven solutions that bridge multiple disciplines. In this interactive workshop, participants will dive into the data of a real-world case study on the control of of mosquito-borne diseases. This case study showcases how specialists from fields like biostatistics, epidemiology, genetics, entomology, ecology, and public health join forces and connect through a shared understanding of data to tackle complex, real-world problems. Workshop attendees will experience the use of this case study and its accompanying resources in a laboratory setting to meet a range of data-centered, educational goals. Participants will discuss strategies from interpreting figures to conducting problem-solving analyses through the use of HHMI BioInteractive’s free Data Explorer application.  Facilitators will provide practical tips for adapting this resource and others to the lab, enabling instructors to integrate other examples of real-world data from a variety of fields into their classrooms. Participants are asked to bring their laptops to this session in order to participate fully.

Intended for: Biology Majors & Non-Majors; High School, Introductory (Freshman), Intermediate (Sophomore – Junior)

Linked assignments to teach the writing of scientific methods while exploring the limits and benefits of generative AI

Jenny Hayden, Ph.D and Audrey J. Ettinger – Cedar Crest College

In this workshop, participants will analyze the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) centered around improving student scientific writing. We have developed a set of linked assignments for use with senior Biology majors focused on writing scientific methods sections, while exploring the uses and limits of generative AI. Based on previous observations of students’ research proposal and thesis writing, our goal was to improve the writing of methods sections during the semester before students write a senior thesis. Student challenges included writing in an appropriate style and tone, while avoiding either replicating student lab manual instructions or the “directions” style found in typical kit protocols. We also found that many students had trouble identifying the details that needed to be included while excluding notes made for sample tracking, lab-specific nomenclature, and excessive wordiness. A secondary goal was to provide formal exposure to generative AI tools to facilitate development of students’ critical thinking around this new technology.

Our assignments include writing methods for a cooking video; generating AI methods for described experiments; writing methods for a recorded pre-lab demonstration video; and drafting formal methods used in students’ own research. For the first and third assignments, students also used generative AI tools to assist in an iterative editing process. For each assignment, pairs of students shared their reactions to the writing experience, then responded individually to guiding questions in an online discussion board.

Participants in this workshop will complete the four linked assignments after an introduction to generative AI tools. They will discuss the successes and weaknesses of AI technology in the context of methods writing. We will share samples of student work and a summary of key student reflections, then we will collectively consider how these methods writing assignments could be modified for different student populations.

Intended for: Biology Majors; Introductory (Freshman), Intermediate (Sophomore – Junior), Upper (Senior – Grad Student)

Using a (patho)histology lab to teach cellular and molecular biology concepts

Dan Johnson – Wake Forest University

This workshop outlines a newly launched lab course using diseases as an organizing theme to teach students cell and molecular biological concepts. The central through-line of the course is that all diseases begin with molecular and cellular changes; these ultimately lead to clinically important breakdowns in function. In lecture students explore 6-7 diseases that highlight specific cell and molecular processes. In the first half-semester of lab, students learn basic general histology (what normal plant, animal, and fungal tissues look like under the microscope.) In the second half students learn histopathology (how disease alters normal structures.) Each week students examine tissues from one of the 6-7 known diseases explored in lecture. Students also examine tissue samples from 2-4 related but unknown disease states. They must identify and document abnormal changes in the unknown tissues, make hypotheses about what cellular and molecular processes might be altered, and propose a possible sequence of events for the changes seen in the unknowns. The goal is for them to learn to use two-dimensional data (what they see in histological tissue sections) and prior knowledge of normal structure to infer physical changes in tissue morphology over time.

In the workshop, participants will learn what model diseases were selected and the cell and molecular processes each demonstrates. Next participants will complete one pair of exercises from the lab as though they were students in the course. They will examine microscope slides showing normal histology, a known tissue pathology, then 2-4 tissues of unknown pathology. The presenter will share supplemental course documents and resources, lists of slides used in the course, vendors, etc. with participants as workshop handouts.

Intended for: Biology Majors; Intermediate (Sophomore – Junior), Instructor/Administrator

Using Concord Consortium simulations as an introduction to evolutionary processes

Martin G. Kelly – D’Youville University

In Fall (2023) I was teaching a new course introducing Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior.  For the lab, I wanted to use simulations to illustrate the outcome of population level changes over time.  However, I wanted simulations that produced different results with each run.  I found 5 simulations that worked this way (1-Evolution changes in the environment, 2-Adaptation is for populations, 3-Deer mouse fur color: relative frequency of alleles, 4A-Population curves: significance of breakpoints, and 4B-African lions: modeling populations).  These simulations were produced by the Concord Consortium (  They are free activities.  Simulations run in a web browser and do not require added software.  The Concord Consortium is a nonprofit educational research and development organization.  They have created 359 digital activities to interactively teach STEM concepts and practices.  For each lab, I created an activity that used the variable data produced by a simulation.  I wanted each simulation to produce variable data to reinforce statistical concepts and tests that were already presented in a Biostatistics course.  To facilitate statistical analyses, I used the Handbook of Biological Statistics 3e ( by Dr. John H. McDonald.  I directed students to online sites for the calculation of statistics and the completion of statistical tests.  In this workshop I will present to ABLE members two of these simulations by the Concord Consortium: Adaptation is for populations and Deer mouse fur color: relative frequency of alleles.  Each simulation has variables that generate different outcomes of population level change over time.  Workshop participants will do the work as their students will.  They will experience how each simulation works and collect data produced by the simulations.  I can provide workshop participants with the MS Word documents for the labs I created.  They can use them or adapt them for their desired use.

Intended for: Biology Majors; High School, Introductory (Freshman), Intermediate (Sophomore – Junior)

Using ChatGPT for Education and Research

Dr Danny LeBert, Jacquelyn Jacobs, and Sydney Benson – Northern Michigan University

This workshop aims to provide participants with an understanding of the appropriate uses of AI technology in an academic setting. As AI becomes increasingly prevalent, it is essential to highlight both the advantages and limitations of these tools. Students will work in pairs to choose from 12 provided prompts, each relating to cellular and molecular biology (these can be modified for the needs of the instructor/course). The prompts will include guiding questions to direct their exploration. Participants will use these topics to collect information from ChatGPT, verify its accuracy through peer reviewed articles, and create a 5-10 minute presentation. This emphasizes to the participants the opportunity to familiarize themselves with a new topic using ChatGPT, and once they have an understanding of the subject, they will be able to expose themselves to peer reviewed research that may be more challenging to read and understand.

A second aim of this workshop is to familiarize participants with Biorender for creating self-generated visual aids. Visual aids in presentations are powerful tools, helping to clarify and emphasize key concepts. Workshop participants will provide an initial introduction to the project expectations and how to navigate the ChatGPT and Biorender websites. In the end, participants should gain an understanding of how to use the ChatGPT and Biorender websites, obtain an understanding of the uses and limitations of ChatGPT compared to peer reviewed papers, and be able to create assistive images using Biorender.

Intended for: Biology Majors & Non-Majors; High School, Introductory (Freshman), Intermediate (Sophomore – Junior)

Statistics and data visualization in CUREs with DataClassroom

Ania A. Majewska – The University of Georgia & Aaron Reedy –

Conducting basic statistical analysis and data visualization are key part of authentic research, yet teaching these skills within a CURE is challenging. In this workshop, we will explore DataClassroom, an simplified interface for data analysis and visualization that bridges the gap between Excel and more advanced programming tools, such as R. Through hands-on exploration, participants will learn how DataClassroom can be effectively implemented in their CUREs using an example from a physiology CURE. Workshop attendees will first experience DataClassroom from a student perspective by analyzing real student-collected data, including creating visualizations and conducting basic statistical tests. They will then shift to an instructor perspective to understand how to scaffold data skills assignments, provide feedback on student work, and assess student learning outcomes. By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to: (1) navigate the DataClassroom interface and understand its key features for data analysis and visualization; (2) implement pre-made activities that align with common CURE learning objectives; (3) develop their own data analysis assignments using the platform. This workshop will be particularly valuable for CURE instructors who want to incorporate data analysis into their courses without requiring students to learn programming languages. Participants will leave with ready-to-use teaching materials and strategies for implementing DataClassroom in their own CUREs.

Intended for: Biology Majors & Non-Majors; Introductory (Freshman), Intermediate (Sophomore – Junior)

Leaf Herbivory and Fungal Occurrence on Tree Species

Miriam Ferzli, Patty Aune, Eli Meir, and Kelly Schmid – NC State University

In this lab, students use field sampling techniques to determine occurrence of herbivory and fungal diseases using non-destructive, random sampling of leaves from various trees. They also record observations about any organism on or around the tree and learn to characterize tree-to-species interactions. This lab may be used in various formats of instruction: in-person – hybrid –asynchronous online and can vary in duration. The overall goal is to provide students with time to explore their natural world and use ecological field sampling techniques. The main learning objectives of the lab are as follows: (1) analyze leaves, stems, and trunks, of various tree species, (2) evaluate the frequency of herbivory and fungus occurrence in various tree species by using basic leaf sampling techniques, (3) characterize the tree as an ecosystem by observing patterns in and around various tree species, and (4) record, represent, and communicate findings (including photographing specimens). We use this ecological study in our hybrid introductory biology lab. We assign it as a semester-long project that is incorporated into one of our online lab units. Students meet three benchmarks throughout the semester that include individual and group work online and in the field. The final project is an oral presentation that students create collaboratively using presentation software. We pair this lab unit with the Predation, Herbivory, and Parasitism module from SimBiotic Software for added practice and background. Students also access project benchmarks, lab instructions, and background materials on our lab website. The project promotes scientific thinking as students work to organize, analyze, and synthesize all their individual data to find trends and make connections with issues associated with herbivory, including climate change. 

Participants of this workshop will learn how to implement the lab activities across various formats, and will have the opportunity to practice field observations, sampling, and data collection.

Intended for: Biology Majors & Non-Majors; High School, Introductory (Freshman), Intermediate (Sophomore – Junior)

Using webcams as a tool for applying quantitative methods to animal behavior

Brian Swisher – Saint Michael’s College

Webcams are a widespread and inexpensive technology that can be used to observe the behavior of animals that otherwise may be inaccessible to a lab or field-based course.  Although the initial appeal of webcams is their widespread availability and ease of viewing for entertainment, a subset of available camera sites are suitable for scientific study using quantitative methods.  This workshop will introduce participants to each of the main components of a multi-week group-project lab that involves students of animal behavior in: camera selection, formulation of a study question, development of a data collection plan, data collection and analysis, and presentation of their project.  Workshop participants will gain experience practicing various methods for collecting and quantifying behavioral data and begin collecting data from a webcam of their choice.

Intended for: Biology Majors; Intermediate (Sophomore – Junior)

Single Molecule Sequencing for Everyone

Brian Teague – Trinity University & Danielle Palow – Trine University

The workshop will begin with a brief overview of nanopore sequencing technology and an introduction to three common ways it can be used in an educational setting: for DNA barcoding (answering the question “what is this organism?”), metabarcoding (“what organisms are present in this sample?”) and small genome assembly and annotation (“what genes are present in this organism?”). For each, we’ll briefly describe the goals and implementation, including wet-lab, instructor-performed data analysis, and student-performed data analysis. The majority of the time (45 minutes) will be spent with attendees performing data analysis on example data sets that we will provide on a shared Google drive. Attendees may choose to perform a barcoding analysis using DNA Subway or a metabarcoding analysis using KBase (or both, if time allows.) Example outputs of an EPI2ME small-genome assembly will be provided (participants will not use EPI2ME directly because access to the platform requires purchasing an Oxford Nanopore instrument.) This activity will be asynchronous and self-paced: detailed instructions will be provided in a handout, and presenters will float to assist attendees. We will also prompt attendees to use some of this time to brainstorm ways to use single-molecule sequencing in courses they teach or would like to teach. Finally, we will spend 10 minutes discussing implementation details, including the cost of reagents and consumables; guiding principles for designing a laboratory using single-molecule sequencing; and lessons learned in our experiences with it. Twenty minutes will remain for questions and discussion, which may coincide with the previous discussion.

Intended for: Biology Majors & Non-Majors; High School, Introductory (Freshman), Intermediate (Sophomore – Junior), Upper (Senior – Grad Student)

Bridging Biotechnology and Environmental Education: Bacterial Biosensors as an Inquiry-Based Teaching Tool

Waxman Pirchia Tamar, PhD and Herman ShoShi – Bar-Ilan University

This activity integrates inquiry-based teaching with hands-on experimentation using engineered bacteria for environmental toxin detection. In an era where environmental challenges are increasingly critical, this experiment offers an accessible approach to understanding sustainability while developing essential research skills.

The growing threat of environmental pollution to ecosystems and human health demands rapid and efficient detection methods. Traditional approaches are often resource-intensive and time-consuming, highlighting the need for innovative, cost-effective solutions for real-time monitoring. In this experiment, students work with genetically engineered E. coli bacteria equipped with a lacZ-based reporting system, enabling visual detection of pollutants through color changes when combined with x-gal substrate. The bacterial response varies under different environmental conditions, with adverse conditions potentially affecting their survival and subsequently the color intensity.

Students investigate these responses by manipulating variables such as alcohol concentrations or temperatures, measuring the bacterial reaction’s magnitude, and assessing viability through agar plate cultures. This hands-on experience provides insights into transcription regulation, reporting systems, and experimental design. The activity culminates in an open inquiry phase where students formulate their own inquiry questions, design experiments, and analyze results critically.

This comprehensive approach not only enhances understanding of key scientific concepts but also develops crucial inquiry skills while fostering awareness of sustainability’s role in modern science. Through this practical engagement with biotechnology and environmental monitoring, students gain valuable experience in addressing real-world environmental challenges.

During this hands-on workshop, teachers will experience a practical experiment demonstrating how engineered bacteria can serve as biological sensors for detecting environmental changes. Participants will investigate the effect of different ethanol concentrations on β-galactosidase expression in engineered E. coli.

Intended for: Biology Majors & Non-Majors; High School, Introductory (Freshman), Intermediate (Sophomore – Junior), Upper (Senior – Grad Student)

Fuzzy Genetics:  A New Exercise on Cell Division

Ann Yezerski, PhD – King’s College

One of the oldest concepts taught in Biology is that of mitosis and meiosis.  After an analysis of retention of concepts for the students in our Genetics and Cell Biology courses, we were surprised to find that the concepts of cell division, especially meiosis, stymied more students than most. There have also been many exercises designed to help students with these sometimes-complicated concepts.  I have designed a group exercise that addresses many of the issues with previous exercises including price (the set-up costs less than $50 for the entire class).  Model chromosomes (of an organism with N=3) each containing two genes are randomly assigned alleles.  Groups work to assign phenotypes of their choice and then demonstrate how mitosis leads to identical daughter cells.  The second part of the exercise uses meiosis to create gametes which are then subject to random mating. The exercise is designed to not only present the basics of mitosis and meiosis, but also to introduce independent assortment, random fusion of gametes, and linkage in a fun, interactive environment.  For this workshop, participants will conduct the entire exercise as well as discuss options for extending the exercise into other genetic concepts.

Intended for: Biology Majors & Non-Majors; High School, Introductory (Freshman), Intermediate (Sophomore – Junior)

45-Minute Minis

Bring authentic CRISPR/Cas to your class with innovative approaches

Ezequiel Alvarez Saavedra – MiniPCR (Sponsored Mini Workshop)

In this workshop, instructors will learn about several different ways to teach about CRISPR/Cas and its applications. We will showcase free resources ranging from downloadable paper models to sophisticated hands-on lab activities.

We will discuss two hands-on CRISPR/Cas labs activities. Both of these lab activities give students the opportunity to use real CRISPR/Cas systems to target specific DNA sequences and visualize the result of that targeting with basic laboratory techniques and equipment.

We will also feature free educational resources designed to make CRISPR/Cas accessible to biology students of all levels. This includes webinars, presentations, worksheets, and additional readings. We will use paper models designed to walk students through examples of cutting-edge research, as well as the use of CRISPR/Cas to cure sickle cell disease.

Intended for: Biology Majors & Non-Majors; High School, Introductory (Freshman), Intermediate (Sophomore – Junior)

Finding the Signal in the Noise: Modeling Genome-Wide Association Studies of Dog Traits with SNP Analysis using HHMI BioInteractive Resources

Christina Bowers – Amherst College

Dog genomes reflect the consequences of selective breeding and intentional genetic isolation. We share many of the same diseases with our canine companions but finding the genes in dogs is faster and more efficient due to their unique genome structures.  Many canine characteristics, such as coat length, color and curl map to specific genes.  In this session, participants will learn how to guide students through a basic Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) by engaging with authentic datasets to identify associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms and canine traits.  SNPs serve as signposts for genes but can influence traits through direct or indirect genetic mechanisms.  We will model to explore how an indirect genetic change can have phenotypic consequences, by focusing on RSPO2–a gene that influences the development of whiskers and eyebrows (furnishings). In this activity, which can be used in the lab as a precursor to other DNA and genetic studies, students focus on a specific gene to model how an indirect genetic change can impact physical traits.  Participants will explore ways to support and deepen student engagement in groupwork through guided reflection.

Intended for: Biology Majors & Non-Majors; High School, Introductory (Freshman), Intermediate (Sophomore – Junior)

Lab Notebook POGIL (process-oriented guided-inquiry learning) activity

Megan Cole – Emory University

Participants will do and then discuss a POGIL (process-oriented guided-inquiry learning) activity about maintaining a lab notebook. The POGIL learning objectives are to have students be able to 1) write an appropriate lab notebook entry to include title, date, author, purpose, methods, results and conclusions, 2) describe uses of notebooks in research projects, and 3) improve their scientific communication skills. Participants will complete the POGIL and then discuss how to implement the activity in their own lab classes. This POGIL has been used in a lab class with hundreds of students across different lab sections. It has been helpful to do in the first lab period before the end of add/drop/swap as although it is best completed in person working with lab partners individual students can also complete it on their own if they register for the class later. Participants will have a copy of the POGIL to use or modify for their own lab classes.

Intended for: Biology Majors & Non-Majors; High School, Introductory (Freshman)

Decolonizing the Lab: Exploring Different Approaches for Facilitating Indigenization in Laboratory Curriculum

Manon Lepage – University of Alberta

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada was created to address and repair the harm caused by residential schools to their victims, survivors and descendants. Residential schools aimed at separating and assimilating Indigenous children in government or religious institutions, causing and perpetrating generational trauma for over 150 years. As science education has played a significant role in reinforcing colonial narratives and perpetuating systemic oppression, it is crucial to incorporate truth and reconciliation into science teaching strategies to promote decolonization and indigenization. Activities introduced in introductory laboratory courses encourage students to critically examine the relationship between science and Indigenous knowledge and learn how to incorporate Indigenous perspectives and knowledge systems into their work as scientists. The different strategies include 1) exploring the contributions of Indigenous, Métis and Inuit scientists through brief portrait presentations on our learning management system, 2) creating a list of Calls to Action aimed at decolonizing research practices in natural science, and 3) assessing the impacts of, and solutions for, the absence of Indigenous, Métis and Inuit communities to genomic databases. These strategies can help students by incorporating a critical lens in science education and centring the voices and experiences of Indigenous peoples, understanding the importance of respecting Indigenous knowledge systems and developing cultural competency skills essential for working with Indigenous communities respectfully and ethically. During this workshop, participants will discuss and brainstorm Call to Action, potentially applicable to their courses (experiments, assignments, and assessments) and how to link these strategies effectively to laboratory learning outcomes. The participants will also discuss approaches to expand the learning outcomes linked to genomic databases and strategies to help students see the data points as individuals and not only as raw data.

Intended for: Biology Majors & Non-Majors; Introductory (Freshman)

Providing Instructional Support for Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences

Bethany Lolkema – Whatcom Community College

This workshop will highlight the integration and management of Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) at Whatcom Community College (WCC) through the lens of instructional laboratory support staff.

There will be a brief overview of the several types of CUREs offered at WCC and their impact on the student experience, fostering engagement, critical thinking, and hands-on research skills. These CUREs include using Kombucha as an experimental theme for cellular & molecular biology, investigating the iterative nature of science using yeast as the model organism in general biology, and an adaptation of the Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment (PARE) project.

The workshop will mainly focus on how laboratory staff effectively manage a diverse range of CUREs through practical tools and strategies such as student lab kits, request sheets, materials lists, and peer student mentorship.

Additionally, the session will address common barriers to CURE implementation. This includes institutional constrains such as monetary budget, limited staffing, and safety concerns. We will also discuss how WCC delegates the aspects of CURE design and implementation – experimental design, material procurement, implementation, and logistics – between the instructor, student, and laboratory support staff to prepare for CUREs most efficiently.

Attendees will then have the opportunity through a guided discussion to share best practices from their own institutions and courses. The goal of this discussion is for everyone to leave better equipped to strengthen CUREs they implement. By attending, participants will leave with valuable peer insights and tools for enhancing their own CUREs.

Intended for: Biology Majors & Non-Majors; Instructor/Administrator

Optimize native mini-meadow germination for biodiversity CURE

Catarina Mata – Borough of Manhattan Community College (CUNY)

Native mini-meadows in urban and suburban gardens may mitigate destroyed and fragmented native plant habitat and support pollinator biodiversity and rewilding efforts.

Many native seeds are not straightforward to germinate and successfully establish. Creating knowledge on local native flowering plant combinations that flower throughout the season can improve the odds of native plant uptake by gardeners.

In this lab student groups test and optimize conditions for germination of local species. Test conditions may include cold exposure, acid or mechanical scarification, high temperature or fire on sets of 100 seeds. A “how to” native mini-meadow tri-fold brochure with a timeline is the final product. Possibly to offer to public libraries and gardening groups.

Students do literature research, learn basic taxonomy, design experiments, apply the scientific method, create local knowledge for sustainability, learn the importance of using plant scientific names to avoid misidentifications.

Participants in the workshop will observe and dissect previously hydrated seeds with different morphologies under the dissecting microscope or with magnifying lens, to attempt to predict if scarification is needed, if the embryo is developing inside. Will define environmental factors from their own area that could affect germination, will do a quick search of possible wildflower species from their area and possible sources. Will count and place supplied seeds on paper towels in Ziploc bags with a mock treatment. Will discuss how this experiment or a variation of it could work for their classes.

Intended for: Biology Majors & Non-Majors; High School, Introductory (Freshman), Intermediate (Sophomore – Junior)

Using Semester-Long Scaffolded Activities To Guide Students Through Reading Scientific Literature

Swarna Mohan – University of Maryland at College Park

Most undergraduate students find reading research articles to be a fairly daunting task. However, reading and extracting relevant information from scientific literature is a skill required in many biology courses. To make research articles more approachable, I have designed short weekly activities that guide students through how to find peer-reviewed sources and introduce students to different parts of a research article. During the first half of the semester, students complete a short research article related activity every week. The first set of activities focus on teaching students how to find peer-reviewed articles, the purpose of an abstract and how to use an abstract to determine if the research article is relevant to their project. The second set of activities guide students through the process of identifying relevant information from different parts of a research article. During the semester students also complete two short writing exercises that require them to extract and paraphrase information from research articles to write the background section of a research report or a poster. For both of these writing exercises, students first submit rough drafts and are given the opportunity to update their background sections based on feedback they receive. During the workshop, participants will initially work through one of these activities and then will form groups with other participants who completed a different activity to share their thoughts about the activity they completed. We will also have a discussion about ways to incorporate some or all of these activities into their own courses. 

Intended for: Biology Majors & Non-Majors; High School, Introductory (Freshman), Intermediate (Sophomore – Junior)

Integrating visual pedagogical components in Developmental Biology: using 3D plaster models and histological sections to teach embryogenesis to undergraduate students.

Ritu Sarpal – University of Toronto

Embryonic development is a dynamic and complex process that involves a series of precise and coordinated events. It can be challenging for undergraduate students to visualize and comprehend the sequential structural changes that occur during different stages of embryonic development depicted in textbooks as 2D diagrams. In this mini-workshop, I will present a laboratory activity where students examined successive embryonic stages of North American leopard frog Rana pipiens ranging from a 1-cell stage egg to a tadpole both in the form of (i) 3D plaster models of schematically colored whole embryos and cross-sections to highlight important visible structures and cell fates, and as (ii) histological sections. This activity was designed to complement lectures on frog development in our 3rd-year undergraduate ‘Animal Developmental Biology’ course. By examining 3D plaster models, students were able to visualize the spatial relationships between embryonic structures and gain a deeper understanding of how tissues and organs develop over time. Furthermore, histological sections provided students with a microscopic perspective, allowing them to observe the cellular and tissue-level changes that occur during embryogenesis. As a part of the activity, students worked in groups and submitted an in-class assignment for credit where they were asked to identify various embryonic stages, draw specific stages, and label embryonic axes, cell fates, and visible embryonic structures in their drawings. Student surveys showed that this lab activity led to a comprehensive and engaging learning experience.

The workshop participants will first be introduced to the lab activity. Following this, they will examine the 3D plaster models as well as histological sections of frog embryos. Lastly, the participants will complete an assignment that students could be asked to do as part of the lab activity.

 Intended for: Biology Majors & Non-Majors; Introductory (Freshman), Intermediate (Sophomore – Junior)