Association for Biology Laboratory Education

ABLE Proceedings – Volume 18

Editor: Jon Glass

Major Workshops

Use PCR and a Single Hair to Produce a “DNA Fingerprint”
A. Malcolm Campbell, John H. Williamson, and Diane Padula

Lighting Up: Analysis Of Yeast RAS Genes Using A Chemiluminescent Southern Blot Procedure
Karen A. Malatesta and Linda B. Cholewiak

Purification of Maltose-Binding Protein from E. coli Periplasm
Judith Levin

Cell Fractionation in Tetrahymena
Nancy J. Rosenbaum

Isolation of Myosin and Actin from Chicken Muscle
Richard H. Racusen and Katerina V. Thompson

Identification of T Lymphocytes
James M. Bader

Measurement of Nitrogenase Activity in N2-Fixing Nodules of Soybean
Stephen Hunt

Pigment Granule Transport in Chromatophores
Sally E. Nyquist and Kathryn B. Toner

Preparation of Mammalian Meiotic Chromosomes and Spermatozoa/Obtaining Early Mammalian Embryos and Preovulation Oocytes
Frank J. Dye

Olfaction and Chemical Communication
James Traniello

Integrating Introductory Biology and Chemistry Laboratories: Human Metabolism of Vitamin C and Fruit Juice Analysis: An Example
Patricia Samuel and Elizabeth Godrick

Orientation of Marine Invertebrates to Odor Sources
Rainer Voigt and Jelle Atema

Phenotypic Variation in Plants
Lawrence Blumer

Herbivory and Anti-herbivory: Investigating the Relationship Between the Toxicity of Plant Chemical Extracts and Insect Damage to the Leaves
Kathy Winnett-Murray, Lori Hertel, and K. Greg Murray

The Intertidal Environment of the Rocky Coast
Elaine Senechal-Brown and Harlan K. Dean

Avian Niche Partitioning
Fred Wasserman

Mini Workshops

Bioinformatics: The Retrieval and Analysis of DNA and Protein Sequences
Tongjia Yin and Janice Lovett
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

Human Nutrition: Using a Computer Program to Determine How Well You Eat
Wayne Silver
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

Teaching Evolutionary Pathways with Imaginary Animals
Richard Miller
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

A Multimedia-based Lab Manual: To Enrich, Improve and Expand Learning and Teaching in the Wet Lab
Gabriela Wienhausen
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

How to Get Students to Stop Asking, “Is This Lab Going to Take the Whole Three Hours?: A Description of a Cell Biology Lab Curriculum Which Emphasizes Scientific Inquiry
Donna M. Bozzone
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]

Selected Laboratory Experiments for Elementary Education Major or Other Non-Biology Majors
Denise A. Martin
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

A Qualitative and Quantitative Approach to Investigating Cellular DNA Repair Mechanisms
Glenn A. Bauer
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

Why Should I Wear Sunscreen? Ultraviolet Radiation, DNA, And Mutations
Sheila Kratzer and Charlene M. Waggoner
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

Using the Scientific Method to Study Optical Orientation in Blowfly Larvae
William Blaker

Non-Majors Environmental Biology: Large Class Hands-On Experiences
Ruth E. Beattie
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

Lights, Bean Plants, Action: Starch Printing, a Student Exercise
Carol Reiss
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

DNA: From Lab to Courtroom
Catherine A. Teare Ketter
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]

Species Identification and Systematics
Linda T. Collins and Charles H. Nelson