Posters were on display Wednesday through Friday of the conference. On Friday, June 26, 2015, presenters were available to discuss their topics with visitors.
Titles and abstracts are listed below, alphabetically by the first author’s last name.
Learning Biotechnology Tools to Conduct Hypothesis-Driven Research on the Presence of Genetically Modified Ingredients in Foods
Cindy Achat-Mendes, Jennifer Hurst-Kennedy, and Robert Haining
Georgia Gwinnett College’s 4-year Undergraduate Research Experience provides STEM students the opportunity to conduct course-embedded research at every level of college. Based on this initiative, Biotechnology Laboratory, a senior-level lab course has been redesigned around the theme of genetically-modified organisms (GMO). The goals of the new lab are to implement a curriculum that encompasses leading techniques in biotechnology; strengthen students’ understanding of the central dogma of biology; and facilitate hypothesis-driven student research. During the first phase of the course, students acquired skills needed to analyze test foods at the level of DNA (DNA gel electrophoresis, traditional and Real Time PCR), RNA (RT-PCR) and protein (ELISA, SDS PAGE, immunoblotting). In the second phase, student groups designed and conducted experiments to test hypotheses related to the reliability of non-GMO labels and differences between non-GMO versus organic foods. Experiments tested for GMO markers including the 35S cauliflower mosaic virus promoter, genes coding for Bacillus thuringiensis crystal proteins and the glyphosate (“Round Up”)-resistant EPSP enzyme. Throughout the course, students presented primary research articles to discuss scientific and ethical questions regarding GMOs. Pre- and post-assessments indicated increased student knowledge of biotech laboratory techniques and understanding of gene expression. Attitudinal surveys demonstrated increased student interest in pursuing graduate school and careers in biotech research as well as confidence in their ability to conduct independent research and discuss the complexities of GMOs. Our curricular design and assessment is presented as a model for incorporating DNA, RNA and protein analytical techniques into a course-embedded, authentic biotech research experience.
Integration of a flipped learning module with a peer-learning laboratory exercise to encourage deeper learning of protein structure
Isabelle Barrette-Ng
In introductory biochemistry courses, some of the traditional approaches commonly used to teach the basic principles of protein structure can lead to the development of misconceptions. Because it is difficult to convey concepts on three-dimensional structure through textbook readings and traditional lectures, a flipped learning module was originally introduced to a large-enrollment introductory biochemistry class. The module included podcasts, movies and exercises that made use of interactive graphics software. Although this module seemed effective for teaching some concepts, many students still appeared to have a fragmented and superficial understanding of key principles of protein structure. To rectify this limitation to the flipped learning module, peer-learning laboratory exercises were introduced in which students first carefully studied physical models of α-helices and β-strands. They then applied their knowledge to the structures of alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in order to determine the effects of polymorphisms on enzyme activity and alcohol metabolism. To assess the impact of these laboratory exercises on learning, a Biochemistry Concept Inventory was administered. The ability of students in cohort A to successfully answer the questions in the inventory was compared with that of students who completed the course prior to the introduction of the peer-learning laboratory exercises (cohort B). Whereas 91% of students in cohort A correctly solved these problems, only 74% of students in cohort B were successful (p < 0.001). Altogether, these data suggest that a combination of peer-learning laboratory exercises and a flipped learning module fosters a deeper understanding of key principles of protein structure.
Does the maternal genome influence seedling protein biochemistry during plant embryogenesis?
Charlene F Blando-Hoegler and Carl S Hoegler
Much data has been published on the importance of maternal RNA transcripts on early embryogenesis in animals. However, parallel studies on plants have been lacking. We previously compared protein banding in seed and seedlings of two plant families (Brassicaceae and Fabaceae). Thus, the purpose of the study is to determine whether proteins expressed during seedling embryogenesis in these families were the product of maternal transcripts. As in animals, the cytoplasm of the female gamete (megagametocyte in plants) could be expected to provide RNA transcripts needed to synthesize proteins that could facilitate early embryogenesis; this has been suggested in Brassica napa (Wu et al., 2005) and Oryza sativa (Zhu et al.,1980). Thus, plant seedlings will be treated with the transcription inhibitor actinomycin-D to determine whether there might exist long-lived templates critical to early embryogenesis in plants; a protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide will also be used to complement our studies. It is our hope that such studies will encourage undergraduate and college professors to consider using plants models as biochemical tools to investigate developing systems. This exercise provides some insights into the lingering influence of maternal genome on early embryogenesis.
ASELL in Schools – from university laboratory improvements to high school laboratory improvements
Karen Burke da Silva
This project aims to empower years 7-10 science teachers to utilize practical work as a vehicle for changing student understandings and attitudes. Teachers engage in professional dialogues which will allow them to internalize science inquiry in a manner such that they can then generate and scaffold classroom conversations and student learnings. Practicals are a unique and powerful vehicle for giving meaning to the tools of science, from graphs, computer technologies to contextual stories capturing a range of literacies and key competencies. The professional dialogues will drive an evolutionary change and the connections will endure, slowly but surely driving systematic change by building capacity in science teaching in schools.
Using the Crystal Violet Biofilm Assay to Assess Efficacy of Traditional Family Remedies of Students
Jill Callahan
The majority of bacterial infections are not caused by free-living species, but rather surface-associated biofilms. Within such infections, levels of antibiotic resistance are rapidly on the rise, thus increasing the need to explore alternative remedies. This project examines how the Standard Crystal Violet Biofilm Assay can be used to assess the anti-biofilm properties of treatment agents tested. Such remedies we have examined have been selected by students based on their cultural backgrounds and have included miswak chew sticks, soursop extract, propolis, coconut oil, and green tea. Allowing students to combine their own treatments based on family traditions with antibiotic alternative research has served as an invaluable method of student engagement. Ways this protocol can be adapted to a variety of biofilm species, treatment, and budgets will be discussed.
Beefing up an enzyme lab: Acetylcholinesterase activity in extracts from bean beetles standardized for protein content
Hector Fermin, Avaje Jackson, and Fardad Firooznia
The insecticide malaoxon inhibits acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. Various factors might affect the effectiveness of malaoxon. We have previously described a colorimetric enzyme assay to look at the differences in inhibition of AChE caused by malaoxon in crude extracts from the bean beetle Callosobruchus maculatus in a set up that lends itself to a multi-week lab sequence. Here we expand this set of exercises to include the Bradford assay to measure protein concentration in crude extracts using a standard curve. This allows us to standardize the initial activity of AChE based on protein content and thus consider both initial activity of the enzyme and relative inhibition of the activity due to the insecticide. These two parameters have been shown to be inversely correlated and may respond differently to environmental factors such as the food source on which the animals are raised. These types of projects not only introduce students to different biochemical techniques, but also raise questions such as costs and benefits of insecticide resistance.
Using Bean Beetles (Callosobruchus maculatus) in Guided Inquiry Exercises in the Biology Laboratory
Greg K. Fitch and Jordan Burns
Guided inquiry exercises in biology labs, in which the instructor provides a context for a scientific study and an overarching question, are good alternatives to exercises involving step-by-step lab manual instructions. Such an exercise parallels more closely the work done by a practicing scientist. Within the instructor-provided context, the students write hypotheses, design and perform experiments, analyze data, and draw conclusions. Due to various constraints, however, a “system” that students can manipulate is usually required. Reproducing bean beetles constitute such a system. Details about the culturing and life cycle of bean beetles are readily available (www.beanbeetle.org). To study the question, “What factors influence the reproductive success of beetles?” in a guided inquiry setting, a student could test the influence of an experimental variable on a dependent variable. Students could, e.g., hypothesize that living under conditions of high humidity, compared to low humidity, will result in an change in (a) the number of eggs laid by female beetles, (b) the number of days lived by female beetles, (c) the number of days elapsed between mating of the mother and emergence from the bean of her offspring, or (d) the proportion of eggs laid by beetles resulting in successfully emerged offspring. Or students might hypothesize that being reared on mung beans, as opposed to black eyed peas, will change one of the above four dependent variables. We have developed guidelines (materials, methods, student handouts, examples of student-generated data, and examples of statistical tests) aimed at helping instructors who wish to guide students as they study beetle reproduction. Using these aids, an instructor can guide a student as she tests one of the above hypotheses. Alternatively, with little additional knowledge or materials from the instructor, a student could test the influence of a different experimental variable, such as temperature or light-dark cycle.
Discovering plant tissues in a new dimension
Adolfina R. Koroch, Thomas S. Villani, and James E. Simon
Traditionally, students engaged in learning practical botanical microscopy in laboratory courses observe different tissues of various organs such as roots, stems, leaves, etc. Visualization of a whole plant organ is limited by the low clarity of the tissues, and thus requiring a clearing procedure to improve the visualization. Although there are many clearing solutions, the most commonly used is acidified chloral hydrate. However, chloral hydrate is a Federally Regulated narcotic, and requires a special permit to purchase or use, placing this technique out of reach for routine teaching. The lab exercise described herein uses a new non-toxic clearing agent, Visikol™, to clear tissues and allow students to observe the relationship structure and function of plant tissues. Whole fresh leaves (oregano or basil) were submerged in Visikol until they became transparent, then the whole leaf was mounted on a microscope slide with two drops of Visikol and a cover slip was added. Using the fine focus knob, different layers of leaf tissues were easily identified such as epidermis, with stomata, oil glands, trichomes, underlying palisade cells, vascular tissues etc. This lab exercise allows students to navigate in three dimensions through the leaf tissues, to understand the internal structure of the leaf tissue and relate it to the photosynthetic function in the plant. In conclusion, we present a lab exercise using a new clearing solution that allows students to easily observe and study whole mount plant organs in three dimensions. This hands on experience helps to motivate and engage students in biology classes, and excite them about the world of botany.
Small changes in freshmen biology lab create unexpected opportunities for research, collaboration, and student success
Craig Longtine, Tamara Mans, and Paul Melchior
In 2006, faculty teaching an introductory biology course at North Hennepin Community College added polymerase chain reaction to a lab designed to teach gel electrophoresis. At the time it seemed like an important but small addition to a course mostly populated with students heading to pre-health careers. In this presentation, we illustrate how a minor change in one lab course can have a ripple effect through multiple courses and dramatically transform the objectives and goals of an entire department.
The PCR-based lab necessitated additional equipment not previously present in the department. Basic tools of the trade such as micropipettors, gel boxes, and thermal cyclers were purchased. New equipment led to a proliferation of inquiry-based and student-centered labs; our community college biology lab began to look a lot more like labs at four-year universities. The confidence and enthusiasm of both faculty and students dramatically increased. This led to the development of faculty-guided undergraduate research in biology. College administration supported the acquisition of additional lab equipment and supplies. Over the next few years the extracurricular research projects formed the basis of new labs in a variety of courses. Importantly, they were the impetus for financial support through donors and collaborative grants with several universities. For the first time, and unusual for community colleges in the state, NHCC students were presenting their research at regional and national conferences. Faculty became involved in the Council of Undergraduate Research and interacted with professional societies to a much greater degree. Each step facilitated synergism between courses and research, which led to further grants, greater donor and administrative support, and a four-year biology degree on our campus. One small step led to large changes. Our experiences may provide one model for other two-year colleges.
Faster and Safer: Applications of New Technologies to Classical Restriction Enzyme Labs
Boriana Marintcheva
Teaching labs employing restriction enzymes are a popular choice across the undergraduate curriculum as they fit well in a broad range of courses and allow acquiring/advancement of skills broadly applicable to many areas of biology. Common challenges to all restriction enzyme related labs are the need of safety precautions driven by the use of ethidium bromide as a DNA stain and the limited options for student engagement during the waiting periods associated with restriction digest and DNA electrophoresis. As a result students often do not have a full scale independent experience due to lack of sufficient time and the need for some experimental steps to be completed by the instructor behind the scenes and outside the lab period. Recent technological advancements in DNA-related techniques allow for resolution of the above challenges: i) the replacement of classical restriction enzymes with high fidelity ones allows efficient digest only in ten minutes; ii) alternative DNA electrophoresis buffer shortens the time for DNA electrophoresis and iii) new generation safe DNA stains allow efficient DNA visualization without cumbersome safety measures and special materials disposal. Side by side comparison of classical and new approaches will be presented in the context of inquiry-based lab sequence taught in 200-level undergraduate laboratory.
A modular framework for teaching sequencing based functional genomics to high school students
Debra Mauzy-Melitz
Living organisms rely on genes to manage all aspects of their lives. Although all of the cells in an organism possess the exact same genetic code, they can specialize to form different tissues and organs by selectively expressing particular sets of genes at particular times. We designed a modular course to introduce high school students to these major genetic concepts and the sequencing technologies that are now revolutionizing the field of genomics. The course focuses on nematodes of the genus Steinernema, insect parasites with broad scientific and commercial applications. Each module achieves specific teaching goals, and they can be used alone or in combination to meet the particular needs of individual instructors. Using this approach, we were able to guide students through all the stages of a modern genomics experiment: culturing the organism of study, isolating RNA from different stage of Steinernema life cycle, sequencing the libraries, and then analyzing the data using open-source computational tools. Students reacted positively to their hands-on experience performing the RNA-seq assay and analyzing the data they generated, but they especially enjoyed being given the opportunity to design their own projects based on the nematodes. Overall, we have demonstrated that sequencing assays and genomics can be taught to high school students, and that this course format makes this field more accessible to teachers and students at the secondary and post-secondary levels.
Dissecting Huntington’s Disease: Introducing Primary Literature Analysis and Collaborative Work via a Gross Anatomy and Histology Laboratory Associated with a Drosophila Inquiry-based Module
Lindsay Mehrmanesh, Kene Piasta, and Melissa Kosinski-Collins
In many introductory Biology laboratory courses, students are asked to perform dissections. Often these dissections are assigned with limited contextual information and are assigned as independent assignments disparate from other laboratories required for the course. Over the course of the last several years, the curriculum of the introductory biology laboratory course series at Brandeis University has been completely rewritten to incorporate only inquiry- or project-based protocols with biomedical relevance. As the number and intensity of inquiry-based laboratories has increased, so has the need for proficiency in scientific-literature skills. However, this new curriculum has also reduced the time allotted for traditional dissections. We have designed a one-day dissection and histology laboratory to be performed concurrently with a multi-week Huntington’s fly experiment. The Huntington’s module incorporated into the spring semester asks students to analyze the effectiveness of a potential inhibitor of Huntington’s disease in Drosophila expressing polyQ repeats. During this lab, students dissect a sheep brain taking careful note of structures and features of the brain associated with Huntington’s disease progression. Additionally, students perform a Nissl stain on rat brain sections to more closely analyze the distinct composition of the associated tissues. In small groups, the students are then asked to complete an assignment in which they analyze a series of figures taken from primary literature articles related to neurodegenerative diseases. Preliminary results indicated that students found the assignment engaging, relevant to their ongoing Huntington’s project, and increased their overall understanding of the use of model systems when studying neurodegenerative diseases.
Confirming Helminth Infection
Marianne Niedzlek-Feaver
We are using materials available from Ward (preserved eggs) and Carolina Biological (living Hymenolepi dimuta eggs in feces) to simulate parasite identification with tests based on protocols routinely used by practicing veterinarians. For the first activity we simply mix eggs from three or four helminths and students use a key to identify which species are represented. The benefits of the first part of the activity is that the preserved eggs are those of human parasites and so working with them can lead to a discussion of the impact of important human helminth parasites and their life cycle. Students prepare their own sample of living eggs of H. dimuta to test for infection, given sucrose solutions they also prepare that differ in specific gravity. This activity simulates common flotation tests conducted by veterinarians to test for parasite infection. It’s a fun exercise for students, and they are working with a relatively safe parasite (in terms of potential for human infection). We supplement the exercises with material that discusses other protocols used for testing for parasite infection.
A Mini-Kreisel
Marianne Niedzlek-Feaver
Kreisels with circular flow patterns have always been the best types of housing for developing and planktonic forms. We have developed at NCSU, using a five gallon aquarium, small beta tank and available filters a kreisel that individuals can put together (with no tools except a hair dryer for tightening tubing) for about $60.00. We have maintained small Ctenophores, Cnidarians and other invertebrates for as long or longer than our $800.00 to 1200.00 larger commercial kreisels. Now everyone can have a small Ctenophore with iridescent combs feeding in their classroom
The Use of the Macaulay Library of Natural Sounds to Supplement Labs and Field Work
Kathleen Nolan
Our students have been playing recordings from the Macaulay Library of Cornell University of natural sounds and videos (macaulaylibrary.org/) while simultaneously recording with the sound recording program Audacity. In this way they can analyze number of vocalizations per a certain time period, the frequency and range of the sounds, as well as other parameters. This data has been used for compare/contrast scenarios in their own live recordings of vocalizations of sea lions from zoos and aquaria. The students have been able to hear recordings of animals (including sea lions) from places such as New Zealand and the Galapagos that are currently inaccessible to them in person.
Data speaks for itself: training undergraduate students how to communicate science
Jenean O’Brien
Data figures are the currency of science communication. Data presented in visual form with a descriptive figure legend should be interpretable by most fellow scientists. Therefore, learning how to appropriately present and interpret data figures is critical to the education of future scientists. Training in these techniques meets several of the core competencies (‘abilities’) outlined in the 2011 AAAS Report on Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education. While learning how to properly design and analyze data figures, biology students engage in the ability to apply the process of science, the ability to use quantitative reasoning, and the ability to communicate and collaborate with other disciplines. For these reasons, a primary focus of our advanced cell biology laboratory course is on developing this skillset. One practice we implemented to engage students in science communication was to replace traditional lab reports with data figures. Students reported the results of lab course experiments in the format of data figures, complete with associated figure legends. Here, we describe the development of associated materials, including grading rubrics. Further, we discuss the challenges revealed during implementation and how these were resolved. Finally, we present student feedback, indicating the perceived amplification of learning and expanded application utilities enhanced by these activities.
A Student-Friendly Tool for Phylogenetic Analyses
Joshua Povich, Tania Bettis, and Tamara Mau
The desire to engage introductory biology students in phylogenetic analyses using real data and current research methods can be inhibited by the complexity and multitude of command line-driven programs typically used for these analyses. We have developed a graphical user interface (GUI) that combines the components of phylogenetic analysis into one student-friendly application, RevBayes. Here we present a lab activity in which students address evolutionary questions regarding the relationships among primates using morphological and molecular data. In this activity, students begin by making observations of primate skeletons from an interactive online database (eSkeletons.org) and then evaluate hypotheses about evolutionary relationships using RevBayes to generate the most parsimonious phylogenetic trees. Students are able to identify where relationships are well-resolved and where additional lines of evidence are needed. Molecular data from GenBank is then added to give a more resolved hypothesis about relationships within the group. RevBayes allows students to focus on the central concepts of phylogenetic analysis and interpretation by simplifying the interface with sophisticated analytical tools.
Converting a Cell Biology laboratory course from cookbook labs to guided inquiry investigations
Jessica Rocheleau
The cell biology course at Western New England University had historically included cookbook-style labs that utilized different organisms for each session. To provide students with opportunities to design experiments and organize their own data, the laboratory was completely redesigned as a guided inquiry experience using only one model organism for the entire semester. Instead of step by step instructions, students are given a brief introduction to the topic (e.g. Microscopy, Growing cells in culture, Organelle separation) and a research question to be addressed. Students are also given ‘How-to guides’ for techniques that may be useful to them in addressing the research question. Pairs of students brainstorm experimental designs, determine what additional information they may need, and then present their ideas to the class. For some experiments, we come to a group consensus on the preferred methodology and for others, each student pair designs and executes their own experiment. Students determine the appropriate controls, the appropriate number of replicates, and the important data that should be collected. This laboratory format is amenable to a variety of model organisms and techniques, but has been developed using Tetrahymena pyriformis and inspiration from published ABLE labs. The first two guided-inquiry investigations of the semester are presented here. Students are first asked to determine if an unknown organism is prokaryotic or eukaryotic by characterizing its size, shape and internal structure. Then, they determine the doubling time of the organism by growing cells in culture, counting cells, and quantifying total protein.
Modular Microbiology
Sarah Salm and Jessica Goldstein
Many microbiology laboratory classes involve a series of unrelated exercises, teaching students basic staining methods and biochemical tests used for bacterial identification. After performing these techniques, students are then given an “unknown” organism to identify using the array of techniques they have learned. In this poster, we present a modular approach in which students learn these same techniques in a real-world context. Instead of being provided with samples on which to practice techniques, students collect their own samples from an environment of their choosing. They then learn basic traditional and molecular microbiology techniques while carrying out an investigative project on their unknown sample, culminating in the identification of at least one truly unknown microbe from their environment.
Teaching Ecological Concepts through Game Based Learning
Mickey Schutzenhofer
Research suggests that learning can be improved if students participate in memorable and fun experiences. Games therefore facilitate learning by allowing students to collaborate with their peers through activities that promote engagement with the material in a competitive and rewarding atmosphere. Additionally, games are very flexible. They can be adjusted to create opportunities for problem-solving and improved interpersonal interactions, and they can be easily implemented in either lecture or laboratory settings as supplementary activities or as the main focus. Here, I highlight several games I developed to allow students to explore various concepts in ecology. While developed for an upper-level course, these games can be easily modified for an introductory level or to accommodate different subject material.
Increasing elementary education majors’ understanding, confidence and attitude in life sciences
Brianna Wright and Christopher North
Life science courses for non-science majors at the University of Wyoming aim to increase scientific literacy for students by supporting their understanding of complex biological concepts through exploration of societal links that improve student attitude and comfort with science. Elementary education majors are required to take only one four-credit life science course, Life Science, which focuses on three major issues pertaining to biodiversity loss: genetics, disease and ecology, which are discussed in lecture, lab and discussion format. For each of these three issues, pre- and post-surveys were administered to students taking this course in 2013-2014. The surveys included questions about course content which were associated with student confidence levels on a 5-point Likert scale. In addition, the first pre- and final post-survey included a variety of questions, ranging from student interest and comfort with science, to expectations for performance during the semester. Pre- and post- scores on all content questions, along with confidence levels, increased significantly both years. Students indicated increased levels of comfort and attitude about science on the post-survey. Results indicate that discussion and hands-on experience with complex biological concepts in lecture, lab and discussion, centered upon a framework of major, relevant issues, can increase student understanding, attitude and comfort in the life sciences.