Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Demystifying Concept Mapping:  Applications in Teaching Lab and Lecture of Introductory Biology and Anatomy and Physiology 

Peter J. Park & K. Emma Emanuel

Supplemental Materials

  • Workshop Powerpoint [pptx]
  • Session Method 1 (Powerpoint slides 25-29): “Modeling” – Teach students how to build concept maps using a simple example, then encourage students to build their own for course content/studying purposes.
    • Method1_Activity_Demo.cmap – cmap software file (in format for software that can be downloaded from that has concepts but no links for stated activity; participants used this file to build a concept map during workshop
    • Method 1 Key.jpg – Answer key to workshop activity
  • Session Method 2 (Powerpoint slides 30-32): Provide students pre-made concept maps
    • Folder “A&P I”: Examples of completed concept maps, created by Park, used in Anatomy and Physiology I
    • Folder “Ecology”: Examples of completed concept maps, created by Park, used in Ecology
    • Folder “Genetics”: Examples of completed concept maps, created by Park, used in Genetics
    • Folder “Intro Bio”: Examples of completed concept maps, created by Park, used in Introductory Biology
  • Session Method 3 (Powerpoint slides 33-36): Provide students incomplete concept maps that have be completed by students
  • Session Method 4 (Powerpoint slides 37-39): Showcase building a concept map during lecture (all while encouraging real-time feedback!) and then as a “gift,” provide the map to the class!
    • IntroBio2_Lab_cmap.jpg – Example of concept map co-built by Park and his students during an Introductory Biology II course
    • Photosynthesis_cmap.jpg – Example of concept map co-built by Park and his students during an Ecology course
  • Session Method 5 (Powerpoint slides 40-45): Concept maps can be used for formative assessment (graded or ungraded) and summative assessment.
    • Soika, K., Reiska, P., and Mikser. R. 2014. Concept Mapping as an assessment tool in science education. Journal of Baltic Science Education 13. 10.33225/jbse/14.13.662.