Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Job Posting

Fixed-Term Faculty Positions in the Biological Sciences Program

Michigan State University

The Biological Sciences (BioSci) Program is seeking 1-2 fixed term faculty members to join the BioSci Program teaching team. The successful candidate will serve as an instructor for introductory biology lecture and lab courses designed to actively engage life-science majors in three-dimensional learning. Depending on the needs of the program and the expertise of the candidate, they may teach in cellular and molecular or organismal biology courses. The initial appointment will be for one academic year (9 months) with the expectation of continuing renewal based on satisfactory performance. Opportunities for advancement in rank and five-year rolling contracts are possible after 4 years of exemplary teaching.

For more information and to apply, please visit (search for job# 1024852). Review of applications will begin on March 20, 2025, and will continue until the position is filled. Questions regarding the position may be directed to Dr. Katie Krueger, BioSci Program Assistant Director and Chair of the Search Committee ( 

Review of applications to begin on 03/20/2025

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