27th Annual ABLE Conference
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia
June 21-25, 2005



Friday, June 24th
10:45-11:45 AM

ABLE 2005 conference program


Termites: Creating Your Own Colony for Fun and Profit
John A. Acuff
University of Delaware, Dept. of Biology, Newark, DE 19716
The Termite poster, display, and handout will discuss and show methods of capture, housing, and maintaining a culture (colony) of common subterranean termites. The housing units can be used as a wonderful observation center for the classroom and/or as a “never ending” supply of termites for laboratory observations when cared for properly.

The Biomovies Project: Interactive Panoramic Movies
to Provide Virgual Field Trips and Studies of Microscopic Life

Betty L. Black
NC State University, Dept. of Zoology, Raleigh, NC 27695-7617
Faculty involved in the grant-funded bioMovies project are producing digital videos with interactive interfaces to provide a learning resource for biology educators. These visuals are designed to teach laboratory techniques and basic concepts of animal natural history, locomotion, feeding mechanisms, embryonic development, and anatomy. All visuals are in the form of QuickTime movies and are appropriate for use at the college level. Video clips and still images include audio and utilize interactive features such as moving arrows, pop-up labels or explanatory figures, accompanying text, and links to related materials. We have recently added a new technique that provides a 360° view of selected habitats, with hotspots linked to video clips of animals within the habitat. Our most recent project begins with a panoramic view of the ground seen close up. Hot spots link to high quality images and video clips of small or microscopic animals that live in the soil, on moss, and in association with other nearby vegetation. All visuals are suitable for use in computer-equipped laboratories or multimedia lecture rooms, using a web browser as the user interface. The 360° interactive moves are especially useful for internet courses or classes in which field trips are not possible. If a small table is available near the poster, a laptop computer will be used to demonstrate the interactive, panoramic movies to interested faculty.

Mimosa pudica as an Experimental Organism for Botany Lab
Cheryld L. Emmons
Alfred University of Delaware, Division of Biology, Alfred, NY 14802
Mimosa pudica (sensitive plant) was used as an experimental organism to allow Botany students to design original experiments. Students were introduced to the topic of plant movements and provided with general information about Mimosa pudica. The students were then posed with the challenge of characterizing the response of the plant to physical stimulus. Specific questions addressed included “is response time and /or recovery time dependent on leaf size?”, “is leaflet folding dependent on adjacent leaflet responses?”, and “which part of a leaflet is most sensitive to movement or touch?”. In assessment of the experiment I asked students to comment on the most and least understandable parts of the lab and what would they change about the exercise. The only change suggested was to have the plants further apart in the lab room to reduce interference by other groups. The least understandable parts were how the plants were able to move and why they were not consistent in their responses. This exercise can be used at any level of botany and increased in sophistication to be adapted for a plant physiology course.

Laboratory or Service-Learning (S-L)
Blanche C. Haning and Lynnae Flynn
North Carolina State University, Department of Plant Pathology, Raleigh, NC 27695
The philosophy of the Biological Sciences Interdepartmental Program at North Carolina State University is to prepare graduates who are proficient in biological sciences and communication while understanding the world in a holistic manner. Senior Seminar (BIO 490) is a required course that affords students the opportunity to reflect on and integrate biological concepts in view of this philosophy in a new format, since 2001. Classes of more than 100 students convene weekly and students hear invited speakers on ethics, professionalism, leadership, cooperation, careers and the career search as well as science-focused seminars by local experts. Additionally, students are emphatically reminded that, regardless of career and success, we are citizens of the world and have obligations to help improve it through volunteerism, among other venues. While many seniors have impressive histories of volunteerism in a variety of areas, our surveys show that the majority does not. Our decision to require 8-9 hours of instructional community service with needy local youth was made independently of this finding. Seminar students now teach, tutor, and otherwise mentor youngsters in science and other areas in eight different facilities. In spring, 2004, students’ assessment (means provided) the community benefit from their individual projects on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 representing the greatest benefit, as 3.99; the success of their individual projects, as 4.13; their own positive benefits, as 4.32, and the likelihood of their seeking other education-focused service projects in the future, as 3.91. Community partners are highly supportive of and grateful for BIO490 student involvement with their respective youth programs. Economic value of this engagement is very substantial. Data from two more semesters will soon be available. Learning outcomes of laboratory and S-L are the same, namely, comprehension, execution and assessment. However, S-L connects students with the subject manner in an actual work setting.

A Virtual Tool for Introducing Students to
the Compound Microscope

Robert Ketcham
University of Delaware, Dept. of Biology, Newark, DE 19716
Students who succeed in finding a specimen the first time they use a compound microscope usually become engrossed in observing detail never before available to them. Students who do not find a specimen during their first attempts often become frustrated and give up after a short while, and may never again make a serious attempt to use a microscope. Even though lab manuals for Introductory Biology provide clear stepwise directions for setting up the specimen and the microscope so that success is certain, the initial use of the compound microscope continues to be a problem for instructors who teach at this level. We thought that digital technology could effectively supplement oral and written directions, so we developed a virtual microscope as a teaching tool. It is currently available at www.udel.edu/scope. Using it requires no fees or registration. Our interest now is in letting teachers know that the virtual microscope is available.

Unseen Life: Engaging Non-science Students
Through Microbiology

Paula Lessem and Debra Wohl
University of Richmond, Dept. of Biology, Richmond, VA 23173
Elizabethtown College, Dept. of Biology, Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Microbiology is used as a tool to introduce non-science students to basic principles underlying scientific investigations (in general) and tenets of microbiology (specifically). Students monitor the bacterial level of Westhampton Lake over a 4 week period. Bacterial populations targeted include coliforms ( fecal and non-fecal) and other microbes (typically Gram positive rods and cocci). These isolates are the basis of their culture collection. During the course, they will categorize these microbes based on their Gram reaction, and growth requirements (oxygen, temperature, salt) to illustrate the diversity of habitats where microbes reside. Selected microbes will also be evaluated as to their susceptibility to common disinfectants (many of the isolates are common) and UV radiation. The final investigation will be the determination of the minimal inhibitory concentration to selected common antibiotics. As a result of the experience it is hoped that students will appreciate the roles played by microbes and humans.

Mutagenesis: A Laboratory Course Module
for Site-directed Mutagenesis and Gene Knockout Technology

Lisa K. Lyford1 and S. Catherine Silver Key
North Carolina State University, Biotechnology Education Facility, Raleigh, NC 27695
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, SPIRE Program and Dept. of Biology, Chapel Hill, NC 27599
The techniques of introducing and confirming specific mutations on isolated cloned genes and knocking out targeted genes from an organism have many applications in biotechnology and gene therapy research. To teach these skills, a course was developed for undergraduate and graduate students in site-directed mutagenesis and gene knockout techniques, and offered in the Biotechnology Program at North Carolina State University. The combined lab/lecture course is a two-credit, half-semester module that was designed not only to teach the practical techniques of mutagenesis, but also to engage students in learning basic biological concepts such as homologous recombination, DNA replication and protein translation. The overall course design allows students to apply their newly acquired skills to design their own site-directed mutagenesis strategies using computer-based DNA analysis programs. The wet-lab component is comprised of three on-going laboratories involving PCR technology and two easy-to-interpret results: whole organism color changes on solid media or altered restriction mapping patterns. Students learn biotechnology laboratory skills including 1) DNA purification and quantitation, 2) PCR and primer design, 3) agarose gel electrophoresis, 4) restriction mapping, and 5) growth and transformation of bacteria and yeast cultures. In addition to learning how to create point mutations versus complete gene deletions, students observe mutagenesis in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. Finally, students have the opportunity to discuss ethics of these biotechnological procedures and the impact of biotechnology on society. Overall course evaluations indicate that students enjoyed the course and felt they learned the concepts and process of mutagenesis and experimental design.

Interactive Pedigrees
Marianne Niedzlek-Feaver
North Carolina State University, Dept. of Zoology, Raleigh, NC 27695
The project goal is to develop highly interactive web simulations for introductory biology students to test and refine their understanding about basic concepts. The first web simulation generates multiple generation pedigrees to portray the inheritance of a genetic disease. Students must determine whether the trait is inherited as a recessive or dominant allele and whether the locus responsible is autosomal or sex linked. The simulation generates as many pedigrees as required to resolve the basis for inheritance. Students may submit their "hypothesis" regarding a particular trait at any time. If their hypothesis is rejected, students are prompted to consult resources that may help them better understand the concepts or how to critically examine pedigrees. For example, web site resources can aid a student understanding on how Punnett square analyses relate to pedigree analyses or provide hints on how to examine a pedigree for types of matings that can reveal how a trait is inherited. Other links on the main menu provide background information about Mendelian inheritance of common characteristics such as eye color and ear lobe shape as well as human conditions such as hemophilia. The production of this simulation is an NCSU-LITRE grant initiative and the method of distribution, although not as yet determined, will ensure free access to educators. ABLE participants will be provided with appropriate URLs that will access the simulation site on a NCSU server or html pages on a CD (+ simulation Java applets) that they can view with most navigators and incorporate as desired into their own web sites.

Low Tech Oxygen Consumption of Terrestrial Animals
Ruthanne B. Pitkin
Shippensburg University, Dept. of Biology, Shippensburg, PA 17257
I use the Plexiglas Metabolism Apparatus sold by Wards and Carolina in a junior/senior Animal Physiology class. The students determine the oxygen consumption of mice and leopard gecko to compare metabolic rates of an endotherm and an ectotherm. The students can then use this technique to design independent projects with variables such as temperature, mass, sexes, activity etc. The data collected by the students is very similar to literature values. The Metabolic Apparatus is a Plexiglas tube 91/4”L X 4”W X 4”H closed with a rubber stopper with an inserted calibrated pipette. There is a place for drierite and soda lime on the bottom of the tube with a screen insert for the animal. The drierite decreases the water vapor and the soda lime absorbs the carbon dioxide. As the animal uses up oxygen the pressure in the chamber decreases and the soap bubble in the pipette moves toward the chamber in proportion to the amount of oxygen consumed. The advantage of this system is that the students are in total control of this experiment and can see the changes while viewing the animals. The students calculate the volume of oxygen consumed under standard conditions, compare their data to literature values, and use appropriate statistical tests on their data. The following are some of the concepts explored: indirect calorimetry, closed respirometry, factors that affect metabolic rates, and endothermy versus ectothermy.

Using an Audience Response System
to Engage Introductory Science Students in Lecture

Karin E. Readel
UMBC, Dept. of Geography & Environmental Systems, Baltimore, MD 21250
This poster will describe the implementation of Turning Point Technologies Audience Response System in the lecture portion of Science 100 (an introductory lab-based science class for non-majors). Advantages and disadvantages of the use of this system will be covered, as well as initial student response and feedback.

Pros and Cons of Using Grasshopper Mark-recapture
for Investigating Populations

Richard L. Stewart Jr.
Shippensburg University, Dept. of Biology, Shippensburg, PA 17257
Mark-recapture of grasshoppers and/or crickets is a common method to provide a hands-on experience for students learning about populations in ecology or natural history. I have utilized this method in general ecology and field biology classes for the past 5 years and have observed students experiencing pitfalls as well as great learning experiences. I plan to continue utilizing this technique, with modification, in the future. The equipment you need to conduct mark recapture and estimate the population is minimal. The students must mark and recapture within the same defined area. I have the students make 10 meter squares in different old field habitats and delineate them with flagging material. The size can be larger, but that will require more searching time. Students collect grasshoppers, mark them (we use White Out TM correction fluid), and place them in a bucket to avoid being trampled. After a period, the students recollect the grasshoppers, note the proportion marked, and some remove them from the sampling area while others replace them as they are caught. We utilize the Peterson mark-recapture method, which has several assumptions, like the population is closed and marks do not affect catch-ability. Controlling for the assumptions within a classroom environment is difficult; however, securing a large enough population of grasshoppers often provides greater challenges. Since different species, and families, of grasshoppers functionally occupy similar niches within the habitat, we have grouped them into “grasshoppers” to create a larger population. Alternatively, one may increase the sampling area to sample a large enough population of one species but this is very problematic as there is seldom enough time available to during class to thoroughly survey the area. While using this modification estimates the number occupying the niche, not a population, it provides a functional understanding of populations and their regulation.

ABLE 2005 conference program

All contents copyright © 2005. Association for Biology Laboratory Education. All rights reserved.