Images from ABLE 2007 @ Kentucky

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DSC08181m_1 Hayride DSC08177m_1 groupchairs
June 8, 2007
June 8, 2007
June 8, 2007
June 8, 2007
DSC08178_1 MindyCloggerTackle EmilyClogging mindymikedance
June 8, 2007
June 8, 2007
June 8, 2007
June 8, 2007
AlecClogging emilymikedance DSC08193m_1 DSC08199m_1
June 8, 2007
June 8, 2007
June 8, 2007
June 8, 2007
DSC08213m_1 DSC08220m_1 DSC08236m_1 uk13m_1
June 8, 2007
June 8, 2007
June 9, 2007
June 9, 2007
DSC08243m_1 DSC08250_1 DSC08261m_1 DSC08263m_1
June 9, 2007
June 9, 2007
June 9, 2007
June 9, 2007

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