Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Poster Session

The deadline for posters for ABLE 2025 is now past.

We will invite your submission of ideas each winter to present as a poster at our annual summer conference. Posters are intended to complement major and mini workshops by providing a distinctive venue for novel techniques, pedagogical research, and new modalities on laboratory teaching. Interested parties should submit the form to propose a poster for the upcoming ABLE conference. Acceptance of proposals are sent within 2 weeks of submission, and abstracts are posted to the conference website after acceptance.

Presenters are expected to:

  1. print their own, tack-board ready posters (pins or clips will be provided), no larger than 48 inches wide by 36 inches high (122 x 91cm); this size may change year-to-year dependent on host institution;
  2. provide 50 copies of a handout, available near their poster, during the entire display period (Wednesday and Thursday of the conference). Handouts should be sufficiently detailed to allow interested participants to take-away the insights of the presentation; and,
  3. be available for dialog with participants during a designated poster session.

By August 15th following the conference, presenters of posters may submit their poster file and either an extended abstract (up to 2 pages with tables and/or figures) or a short (≤10 page) manuscript following the same format as major workshop manuscripts for inclusion in our annual Publication. Please contact the Poster Committee with any questions.