Association for Biology Laboratory Education

RABLE 2015 Program


Saturday, February 21, 2015
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Francisco J. Ayala School of Biological Sciences
University of California, Irvine

8-9aArrival, breakfast (1114 Nat Sci I)
9-9:15aWelcome, Introduction (1114 Nat Sci I)
Keynote Speaker – Dr. Susan Wessler (1114 Nat Sci I)
Major Workshops
Museum Ecology (267 Steinhaus Hall)
Microbial Diversity in Soil (2144 Nat Sci I)
Ecological & Evolutionary Perspectives on a Tri-trophic System (240 Steinhaus Hall)
Electrical Properties of Cockroach Leg (282 Steinhaus Hall)
12:30-1:45pLunch (1114 Nat Sci I)
Medium Workshops #1
Ectothermic Metabolism (272 Steinhaus Hall)
Primary Literature (267 Steinhaus Hall)
Habituation Learning in C. elegans (282 Steinhaus Hall)
Battle of the Bacteria (226 Steinhaus Hall)
Break (1114 Nat Sci I)
Medium Workshops #2
Inquiry-based Microbial Project (226 Steinhaus Hall)
Sex in the Garden (240 Steinhaus Hall)
Succession in Marine Fouling Community (282 Steinhaus Hall)
Anatomy without Cadavers (236 Steinhaus Hall)
Closing (1114 Nat Sci I)
5:15 –Dinner (Taco Rosa)

Keynote speaker: Dr. Susan Wessler

Photo of Dr. Susan Wessler

Dr. Susan Wessler from the University of California, Riverside, is a UC President’s Chair, a Distinguished Professor of Genetics, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor and Home Secretary, National Academy of Sciences. She is a molecular geneticist known for her contributions to the field of transposon biology, specifically on the roles of plant transposable elements in gene and genome evolution.

Her laboratory has pioneered the use of computational and experimental analyses in the identification of actively transposing elements. Dr. Wessler began her professorial career at the University of Georgia in 1983 as an assistant professor of botany, rising through the ranks to full professor of botany and genetics in 1992. In 1994 she was awarded the title of Distinguished Research Professor, in 2004 she was named a Regents Professor, and in 2008 she was named the first University of Georgia Foundation Chair in the Biological Sciences. She moved her program to the University of California, Riverside, in August 2010. Dr. Wessler has contributed extensively to educational initiatives, including co-authorship of the widely used genetics textbook, Introduction to Genetic Analysis, and the popular reference book The Mutants of Maize. As an HHMI professor, she adapted her research program for the classroom by developing the Dynamic Genome Courses where incoming freshman can experience the excitement of scientific discovery in the state-of-the art Neil A. Campbell Science Learning Laboratory.