Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Exhibitors & Other Sponsors

We welcome the presence and support of commercial and non-profit entities who would contribute to and benefit from our annual June conference with biology educator attendees. Partners gain access to

  • 200+ active, biology laboratory educators in the field of higher education.
  • access to participant emails
  • attendance at evening receptions to continue networking
  • reservation in major workshop presentations, as space permits

Submit your Sponsor Registration Here

Here are some suggestions for sponsor participation:

General Sponsors, $500 USDVendors

  • Includes inclusion of logo on the conference website and in conference materials
  • One free sponsor attendance
  • The sponsor’s name posted at events
  • Brochures, catalogues, samples and similar materials provided by the sponsor would be placed in proximity of the sponsor sign or distributed with conference registration materials

Sponsors are responsible for shipping their materials to and from the conference venue.

Exhibitors, $1500 USD

  • Includes benefits of General Sponsor level, plus…
  • An additional sponsor registration (2 total)
  • Exhibitors will be provided a 6′ display table, with the option of  purchasing additional booth space
  • Exhibitor name badges will be provided by the conference host
  • Interactions with conference attendees at their booth Wednesday – Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, during breaks when workshops are not in session

Exhibitors are responsible for shipping their materials to and from the conference venue.

Demonstration Presentations, $2000 USD *

  • Includes benefits of Exhibitor level, plus…
  • The opportunity to demonstrate innovative equipment developed for data collection and analysis in the teaching laboratory and teaching aids used to improve student learning or assessment in lecture or laboratory
    • Submitted as a Mini Workshop; or
    • Demonstration at a lunch or happy hour time slot for sponsors whose products or services do not lend themself to Mini Workshop criteria or who prefer not to present during Mini Workshop times.
    • Note: Sponsored workshops are not eligible for publication or honoraria.
  • Prime placement during noon lunch breaks, or another time worked out with the conference host

Major Event Sponsors *

  • The sponsorship of larger gatherings such as a mixer, meal, or the welcome reception
  • Sponsor logo prominently displayed at the event
  • Costs and benefits will be arranged with the conference host and Sponsor Relations Committee
  • Sponsors should contact the Sponsor Relations Committee to arrange other large-scale sponsorships such as providing registration bags with a sponsor logo or multiple event sponsorships

Contact the chair of the Sponsor Relations Committee to discuss one of these, or a custom, level.

A note about sponsor workshop presentations

Sponsors may participate in the presentation of a Major Workshop only if they are partnered with a faculty or staff from an academic institution who is teaching the exercise to students and who is the primary author and presenter of the Major Workshop. Major workshop proposals are submitted to the Major Workshop Committee for review. These workshops should be focused on effective approaches to helping student learn in biology teaching laboratories, rather than on selling a particular product. However, a novel product may convincingly help students learn the laboratory material and play an important role in a successful Major Workshop exercise.

*Sponsors at the Demonstration level or higher are invited to submit a Mini Workshop proposal in place of a traditional sponsor demonstration. The workshop proposals are evaluated using the same criteria as those submitted by academic participants and needed to conform to the same expectations. The lunch and happy hour sponsor demonstration times remain available for those sponsors whose products or services do not lend themself to Mini Workshop criteria or who prefer not to present during Mini Workshop times. Sponsored workshops are not eligible for publication or honoraria.