Academx Publishing Services had a table setup in the SCI lobby Wednesday through Friday of the conference.

Cengage Learning had a vendor table Wednesday-Friday and a demonstration over lunch.

Major Event Sponsor
Hayden McNeil, a long-time ABLE supporter, had a vendor table Wednesday-Friday and a demonstration over lunch. Also, they generously sponsored a social from 6-8pm Thursday night in the Trustee’s Ballroom, located on the 9th floor of the Questrom School of Business. There were refreshments and entertainment to accompany a great view of the Boston skyline.

Major Event Sponsor
Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Biointeractive had a vendor table Wednesday-Friday and a lunchtime demonstration. They also hosted a Night at the Movies on Wednesday 5-6pm. They showed the premier of a new short film Popped Secret: The Mysterious Origin of Corn. Ten thousand years ago, corn didn’t exist anywhere in the world, and until recently scientists argued vehemently about its origins. Today, the crop is consumed voraciously, by us, by our livestock, and as a major part of processed foods. So where did it come from? This is the story of the genetic changes involved in the transformation of teosinte, a wild grass, into corn. Dr. Ellie Rice, corn biologist and science education fellow at HHMI, was available for Q&A after the film. Refreshments were served and this event concluded prior to the Red Sox game excursion.

Lab Archives had a vendor table Wednesday-Friday and a demonstration of their product over one of our lunches.

Late Nite Labs had a vendor table Wednesday-Friday and a demonstration over lunch.

MiniOne had a table setup in the SCI lobby Wednesday through Friday of the conference and presented a lunchtime demonstration.

miniPCR had a table setup in the SCI lobby Wednesday through Friday of the conference and presented a lunchtime demonstration.

Nightsea had a table setup in the SCI lobby Wednesday through Friday of the conference and presented a lunchtime demonstration.

PASCO had a vendor table available Wednesday-Friday and a demonstration over one of our lunch breaks.

Major Event Sponsor
SimBio, a long-time ABLE supporter, had a table setup Wednesday-Friday and presented a lunchtime demonstration. In addition, they were the sponsors of this year’s New Member’s Breakfast with the ABLE board members. Breakfast was held on the 18th floor of Stuvi, our campus dorms, which has a view of the Charles River and our campus.
ABLE 2015 vendor contract (PDF).