Association for Biology Laboratory Education

ViABLE 2021 Posters


We solicited posters to be presented at the online, 42nd annual meeting of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE).  Posters are intended to complement the other session types by providing a distinctive venue for novel techniques, pedagogical research, and new modalities on laboratory teaching. As this meeting will be held virtually, the format of the posters will be a bit different this year: Upon proposal acceptance, presenters provide a high-resolution PDF of their poster and a 2- to 3-minute video summarizing the poster, both of which are provided to conference participants to review prior to the poster session.

During the poster session, presenters will be available in virtual rooms for conference participants to pop-in and ask questions about the poster.


Poster proposals were accepted through February 1, 2021, and decisions of acceptance sent by March 5, 2021. A high resolution PDF file of the poster and the 2- to 3-minute video summarizing the poster should be uploaded by May 15, 2021.

Publication Information

Following the conference, presenters of posters can opt to have their poster files published with either an extended abstract (up to 2 pages with tables and/or figures) or a short (≤10 page) manuscript following the same format as major workshop manuscripts for inclusion in our annual Publication. Please contact the Poster Committee with any questions.

Poster Titles and Presenters

Assessment of Nursing Student Learning Outcomes in Traditional and Online Modalities for a Microbiology Laboratory Course
Karin Hodge, Cole Davidson; University of Vermont

Survey of student perspectives on the effectiveness of online upper year Biology labs
Liane Chen, Maryam Moussavi, Erica Jeffery; University of British Columbia

Analysis of student engagement and learning using Real Time Assessment strategies in a remote Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory course
Lorie Woodson; Springfield College

Transitioning Biology Laboratory Online: An Instructor’s Experience and Reflection
Mandy Biggers, Shazia Ahmed; Texas Woman’s University

Challenges and Lessons Learned implementing online labs during the transition from traditional to online delivery of a large-enrollment introductory biology lab course
Monica Torres; Rutgers University

Special place assignments: connecting ecological concepts to each student’s unique locale through scaffolded portfolio assignments
Anne McIntosh, Jody Rintoul; University of Alberta

What do animal physiology students learn from a CURE investigating the effects of septicemia on cardiac function: frog and larval Drosophila models
Katherine A Sharp, Rebecca M. Krall, Robin L. Cooper, Melody Danley, Jate Barnard; University of Kentucky

An experiential learning experience: Biological and cultural aspects of the Georgia Coastal Plain “–and the Beach”
William Glider, Joe Garbisch, Grace McManaman; University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Do it yourself (DIY) seed kits to evaluate the effects of fertilizer on plant growth rates
Charlotte de Araujo, Patricia A. Wright; University of Guelph

Utilizing Web Soil Survey for Delineating Soils, Surveying and Land Usage
Brandy Garrett Kluthe, John Kluthe, Christina Mortellaro; Saint Peter’s University

Revisiting Mendel: Use of a behavioral assay to examine inheritance of traits in Drosophila
J. Chalfant, Robin Cooper, Tawny Aguayo-Williams, L. Holtzclaw, M. Loveless, J. Wilson, D. Harrison; University of Kentucky

Teach it to children: Placemat posters
Jennifer Klenz, Brett Couch; University of British Columbia

Radiolaria Measurement Lab
Kathleen Nolan, Allen Burdowski; St. Francis College

Forensics for the body farm: Preferences for the medicinal blow fly (Phaenicia sericata) and fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster)
Oscar Istas, Tawny Aguayo and Robin L. Cooper; University of Kentucky

Design, characterization, and usage of fluorescent-DHFR as a visual biochemistry lab teaching tool to enhance learning
Dana Morrone, Junyun Park, Jeri Obeng, Peter Spezia, Jonathan Huang; University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St. Louis

Improving Scientific Writing
Maryam Moussavi, Natasha Pestonji-Dixon; University of British Columbia

Increasing scientific literacy through hands-on laboratory work guided by journal club discussions
Nitya Bhaskaran, Rosie Albarran-Zeckler; Scripps Research

Authentic curriculum undergraduate research experimentation to learn about the effects of septicemia on cardiac function: frog and larval Drosophila models
Jate Bernard, Melody Danley, Rebecca M. Krall, Katherine A. Sharp and Robin L. Cooper; University of Kentucky

Bridging optogenetics, metabolism, and animal behavior for student-driven inquiry at high school and college levels
Tawny Aguayo-Williams, Dara Buendia Castillo, Doug Harrison , Robin L.Cooper, and Brett Criswell; University of Kentucky

Temperature dependence on the passive effects of K+ on membrane potential of skeletal muscle as an educational module
Janki Naidugari, Dara Buendia Castillo, Mohammad Abou El-Ezz, Cameron Brown, Tom Calderaro, Cameron Evans, Trey Grant, Rachel Hazelett, Cassity High, Tessa Ilagan, Jack Klier, Nicole Marguerite, Felicia Marino, Shelby McCubbin, Nicholas Meredith, Blair Nethery, William Russell, Noah Sommers, Esther E. Dupont-Versteegden, Rebecca Krall, Katherine Sharp, Jeffrey Chalfant, Mia Brown, and Robin L. Cooper; University of Kentucky