Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Job Posting

Instructor in Biological Science

The University of Tulsa

Primary responsibility will be for first year laboratories (BIOL 1611 and BIOL 1711) for the fall and the spring. Depending on staffing, an instructor may be assigned teaching responsibilities in one or more of the following laboratory courses: Human Anatomy, Human Physiology and/or Genetics. The standard teaching load for contract faculty is four courses (lab and/or lecture) each fall and spring semester.

As an Instructor in the Department of Biological Science, the successful hire will:

  1. Utilize a course syllabus for each course and follow established departmental, collegial and institutional guidelines
  2. Provide timely, quality access and feedback to students via personal consultation, electron communication, and other appropriate means.
  3. Evaluate students by established means to measure their progress in achieving course objectives and inform them in a timely manner.
  4. Maintain professional relationships with students, colleagues, and the community
  5. Submit paperwork and forms in a timely fashion.

In addition to teaching responsibilities, the successful candidate will serve as Director of Animal Facilities (with one additional month of salary and the possibility of release time from teaching). The Director of Animal Facilities is responsible for oversight of vertebrate animal care (faculty researchers are responsible for the daily care of their research animals) and attends twice-annual meetings of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Additional responsibilities may be assigned based on staffing, expertise and departmental needs.

The successful candidate will be expected to supervise students, teaching assistants and contribute to the administrative responsibilities of the department.

Minimum Qualifications: M.S. degree in biological science with 1+ years of teaching experience.
Preferred Qualifications: A doctoral degree in biological science with 1+ years of collegiate teaching experience in organismal biology and/or molecular and cell biology.

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Review of applications to begin on MM/DD/YYYY

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