Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Membership Information

Member benefits include:

  1. a reduced registration fee at the annual conference;
  2. online access to all published proceedings volumes (login to view the latest volumes);
  3. enrollment in our member’s listserv, where you’d receive notification of grant deadlines, calls to conference, and other pertinent information;
  4. and a members-only portion of the website with a searchable member database*, conference attendee list, access to conference materials, rights to post to a discussion forum, and more.

Institutional memberships are also available with unique benefits.

Membership runs from July 1st to the following June 30th. The membership term will start immediately with payment of the fee and will end the following June 30th. Conference attendees automatically join or renew membership with their conference registration. The membership fee is only $50 for regular members and $25 for students and post-docs.

JOIN or RENEW TODAY! |  View our Members’ Map

Questions? Please contact our membership committee:

Anna Zelaya and Cassandra Debets
ABLE Membership Chairs

* Address, name, and email information about ABLE members is only available to current ABLE members via the ABLE membership database. This information will not be released to third parties for any purposes.