Fall 2002 Page 8



Labstracts Notes


Ed Andrews Recognized for Outstanding Teaching

September 2002

Edward Andrews received the Memorial University President's Award for Distinguished Teaching for 2002. The award is intended to recognize excellence in teaching over an extended period of years and to recognize success in generating an intellectual excitment and in fortering the development of student's skills and interest in their disciplines. The award also recognizes outstanding achievement in teaching effectiveness, and educational scholarship or educational leadership or both.

The President's Award for Distinguished Teaching consists of:

  • Recognition by the President at a reception called for this purpose
  • A permanent designation in the University Calendar after the recipient's name
  • An amount of $5,000 to be used in further support of any teaching activities
  • Regstration and airfare reimbursement to attend either the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education annual conference following the conferring of the award, or another appropriate conference with an instructional focus
  • Photograph of award recipient installed in the Arts and Administraiton Building at the Memorial University Campus in St. John's, Newfoundland



A Short List of Up-coming Meetings
Doreen Schroeder

I have added a few new meetings to the list since the last publication of Labstracts. Once again, if you know of a meeting/organization that should be included, please email me.

AIBS annual meeting in Washington, DC on March 21-23, 2003 "Bioethics in a Changing World"

ACUBE (Association of College and University Biology Educators) annual meeting to be announced

NABT (National Association of Biology Teachers) national convention October 8-11 in Portland OR

NSTA (National Science Teachers Association) national convention to be held in Philadelphia PA on March 22-20, 2003.

Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL)
This web site is newly launched and still under construction. Click on the "Events" tab for information about meetings.

National Conference for Undergraduate Research (NCUR) 2003 conference at University of Utah on March 13-15

Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) (Clicking on the link will take you to the events calendar.)


Format for Submissions to Labstracts
Doreen Schroeder, Editor

Labstracts is about communication. So, we always need articles in addition to the basic business of the organization. Think about writing book, technique, or software reviews, notes about conferences, opinions, informational articles, original ideas, workshop uses or spin-offs, short notes, notification of conferences, etc. Don't feel that you can't contribute because you do not have the time to write a long article. A short article can be just as interesting as a long one.

If you do decide to submit an article, please include a short bio of yourself. If you have the capability, send a scanned picture, too. Although I will accept articles sent by snail mail or fax, I would prefer them as e-mail attachments (to djschroeder@stthomas.edu) in either Word or WordPerfect. If you created the document on a Mac, please tell me that too, when you send it. Thanks in advance for your contributions.

Doreen Schroeder
Mail# OWS390, University of St. Thomas
2115 Summit Ave.
St. Paul MN 55105
Office: 651.962.5229
Fax: 651.962.5209




ã 2002 ABLE. All rights reserved.