Consider running for a position in ABLE!
There are two candidates who are interesting in running for President-elect of ABLE (Ruth Beattie of the University of Kentucky and Sue Karcher of Purdue University). Judy Guinan of Radford University, VA has expressed an interest in running for Secretary. Alec Motten has expressed interest in continuing on as Treasurer, and we need candidates for one position for Member at Large. Please see ABLE by-laws that describe the positions.
If you are interested in being nominated for any of the above positions, please e-mail me a short candidate package with the following format: education, past positions, present position, academic and/or research interests, ABLE activities/service, and a short (one-two paragraph) personal statement in which you describe what you can do for ABLE!
Self-nominations are welcome. Please e-mail your nominations and/or candidate package to:
Kathleen Nolan, chair of Nominations Committee