Winter 2002
Page 13
Robert Hodson
Candidate for the Position of Secretary
(elected by acclamation)
Present Academic Position
- Associate Professor, Department of Biological
Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, DE

Academic Background
- Ph.D. (1966). Cornell University. Plant physiology under Dr. John
F. Thompson
- Post-doctoral Fellow (1966-1969). Brandeis University with Dr. Jerame
- Designing laboratory activities (investigation-based) for a couple
of decades at the University of Delaware
- Published in-house lab manuals (web-based and text)
ABLE Activities/Service
- Secretary for 1 term (since July of 2000)
Personal Statement
"As a member of an organization I prefer to have an active role. This
is a chance to be involved in the organization and to give something back
to it. ABLE depends on this volunteer service, and I would be happy to
continue in the position of secretary for two more years."

ã 2002
ABLE. All rights reserved.