Academic Background and Training
- B.Sc. (1971)
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Newfoundland, Canada
- M.Sc. (1974)
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Newfoundland, Canada
- B.Ed. (1984)
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Newfoundland, Canada
- (1984) Awarded Provincial Teacher's Certificate
(Level VII)
- (1984) Completed the Summer Institute in
"Teaching Computer Science".
- (2002) Recipient
of the Memorial University of Newfoundland President’s Distinguished
Teaching Award
Past and Current ABLE Activities or
Associate Editor for Volumes 5 & 6 of the ABLE Proceedings.
Presented a Major workshop at the14th ABLE conference (Nevada).
Elected Secretary for two terms. (1992-1994; 1994-1996).
Chair of the ABLE Nominations Committee. (1992-1993)
Revised, edited, and reformatted the By-Laws of ABLE. (1993)
Overseer for the "Show and Tell" IBM computer software
demonstrations at the ABLE conferences in Toronto, Canada (1993) and
Atlanta, Georgia. (1994)
Presented a mini-workshop at the 17th workshop
in Lafayette, Indiana. (1995)
Contributor to Labstracts. (1991, 1996, 1997,
and 1998)
Co-Editor of Labstracts. (1996)
Editor of Labstracts for two terms. (1996-1998;
Participant at ABLE Workshop/Conferences from1989-1998 and
Personal Statement
Each time I return from an ABLE conference I find myself challenged and energized
by others and by what I have participated in and experienced during
the conference. Many opportunities for discussion on improving teaching
and learning are always present, with some interesting outcomes, challenges,
and thoughts for the future. I am still impressed by the spirit of
ABLE and the tremendous voluntary service within the membership. I
would like, once again, to serve ABLE with the same devotion and enthusiasm
that I have demonstrated in the past.
Areas that I would like to explore within ABLE include:
ways to renew and encourage an increase in membership so that
ABLE can strengthen its role in university and college biology education;
ways to encourage communication and involvement among ABLE
members through partnerships, the offering of workshops, contributions
to Labstracts, and email dialogue;
ways of encouraging ABLE members to take advantage of the
creative opportunities in using computers and multi-media formats
to enhance teaching and learning in biology and biology laboratory