Barbara Stegenga, Labstracts editor
ABLE News & Notes
ABLE-bodied employees • Make a
contribution to Labstracts • Upcoming meetings
ABLE Calendar of Events
Teaching and Evaluating Writing for the Biology Laboratory
Submitted by Bob Hodson
What a Tangled Web We Weave!
Mark Walvoord
Six Years of ABLE
Kelly Bohrer
Teaching Initiative Grant Progress Reports
ABLE Member-at-Large, Chris Beck reports that two teaching initiative grants were awarded last summer. Progress reports on these grants are included below.
Testing Hypotheses of Aging in the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
Pliny A. Smith
Linking Genotype to Phenotype in Drosophila melanogaster:
PCR Genotyping the White-one Eye Mutation
Oney P. Smith and Kathy F. Falkenstein
Resources for Teaching Labs
Teaching Resource Site

Elections Are Coming!
Kathy Nolan (Nominations Chair) reports that the ABLE Board will have four vacancies: President-Elect, two Member-at-Large positions and Secretary. This Labstracts issue features candidate statements. Please vote when the ballots come out!
Candidate for President-Elect
Candidate Statement
Ruth Beattie
Candidates for Member-at-Large
Candidate Statements
Mariëlle Hoefnagels
Dan Johnson
Candidate for Secretary
Candidate Statement
Judy Guinan
ABLE 2007 Photos
Robert Kosinski and Karen McMahon
ABLE 2008 -- A Look Ahead
The 2008
annual meeting will be June 3-7 at the University of Toronto at Mississauga, Mississauga, Ontario.

workshops: Thinking of presenting a mini workshop in 2008?
Quick! The application deadline is March 21 , 2008!
**One presenter per mini will recieve a $50 honorarium after the conference!**
Posters: Would you prefer to present a poster? You can do that
too! Applications are due Friday, March 21, 2008.
registration waivers are available to qualified applicants!
The deadline is in mid-March. |