Spring is Here...
Barbara Stegenga, Labstracts editor
ABLE News & Notes
ABLE-bodied employees • Make a
contribution to Labstracts • Upcoming meetings
ABLE Calendar of Events
How New RCR Rules Will Affect Student Training
Submitted by Dan Johnson
ABLE Board Reports
President's Report
Michael O'Donnell, President
Minutes of 2008 General Meeting
Bob Hodson, Secretary
Teaching Initiative Grant Progress Reports
Three teaching initiative grants were awarded during the summer of 2007, however, one was not included in the last issue of Labstracts. Progress report on this grant is included below.
Investigation of Escherichia coli diversity from freshwater sources using Rep-PCR DNA fingerprinting
Submitted by Joanna Klein
Resources for Teaching Labs
Teaching Resource Site
ABLE 2009 -- A Look Ahead
ABLE 2008 Conference Photos
Invitation to Delaware!
The 2009
annual meeting will be June 9-13 at the University of Delaware, Newark, DE

Posters: Would you like to present a poster? You can still submit an application! They are due Wednesday, March 18, 2009.