Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Reflex Functions and Other Physiology Principles: Active Learning and Real Time Analysis

Elizabeth McCarthy, Parthena Sanxaridis Mantis, & Angela Seliga

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2016, Volume 37


At Boston University, we have two large enrollment physiology courses; one for health and rehabilitation and one for pre-medical students. Both courses use equipment from iWorx, which allows students to record and analyze human and animal data in real time. This laboratory module was designed to address misconceptions about reflexes and learned responses, by comparing patellar tendon reflexes to a tactile learned response. ABLE workshop participants also explored our other laboratory modules to demonstrate the breadth of physiology concepts we explore with this equipment, as well as to facilitate discussions on how to develop or adapt these modules.

Keywords:  physiology, reflexes, skeletal muscle, iWorx

Boston University (2015)