Introducing Students to Conservation Genetics Using Sturgeon Caviar and Other Fish Eggs
Kathleen A. Nolan, Nancy Rosenbaum, Claire Leonard, Anthony Catalano, Phaedra Doukakis, Vadim Birstein, and Rob DeSalle
Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2004, Volume 25
In this laboratory exercise students will learn how to: (a) Isolate DNA from individual sturgeon and other fish eggs (available at any local deli that sells caviar) using the DNAzol method, (b) Set up control and species-specific PCR reactions using primers that have been developed for DNA from sturgeon species and (c) Use electrophoresis and methylene blue and/or ethidium bromide staining to visualize the PCR products. This laboratory exercise would allow students to contribute to a growing DNA database on endangered species.
Keywords: PCR, forensics, polymerase chain reaction, caviar, sturgeon, conservation genetics, species-specific primers
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (2003)