Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Using classroom/learning assessment techniques (CATs) in biology labs and classes

Gerry Gourlay

Advances in Biology Laboratory Education, 2023, Volume 43


Classroom assessment techniques (or CATs) are activities for obtaining feedback from students around their learning which informs your teaching practice. Angelo and Cross (1993) argued that CATs are an effective way to receive meaningful feedback from your students related to your teaching. CATs can range from a short 2-minute exercise to a longer exercise and are highly adaptable and modifiable to fit your unique class or lab dynamic and your teaching needs. In this interactive session, we will discuss the utilization of CATs in the many forms biology classes can take shape with multiple examples and most importantly have time to practice trying out different CATs in the pursuit of obtaining feedback on your teaching.

Keywords:  teaching, assessment, learning, Bloom’s Taxonomy, science education, classroom assessment techniques, learning-centred teaching

University of Victoria (2022)