DNA barcoding for novices: A quick tour and hands-on look at DNA barcoding CUREs designed for first-year students
Oliver Hyman
Advances in Biology Laboratory Education, 2023, Volume 43
Thanks to its ease of use and amenability to generating open-ended research questions, DNA barcoding is one viable method to embed authentic research experiences in first-year courses. The Department of Biology at James Madison University (JMU) and the Cold Spring Harbor DNA Learning Center have developed several cost-effective, scalable, and transferable, DNA barcoding-based research experiences designed for introductory biology labs. This short article of our Mini Workshop provides a quick overview of the content of these DNA barcoding lab activities as well as links to resources that can aid in their implementation at your institution.
Keywords: DNA sequencing, bioinformatics, BLAST, CURE, DNA barcoding, first year, freshmen, gene trees
University of Victoria (2022)