Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Leading by example: Using active learning in weekly instructional meetings to impact teaching techniques used in labs

Jonathan Horn and Kathy O’Donnell

Advances in Biology Laboratory Education, 2024, Volume 44


Our TAs used didactic lecture as a primary method of instruction despite department prioritization of active learning and student-centered teaching techniques in pre-term and ongoing training. Discussions with TAs indicated they adopted these lecturer-centric methods largely because it was the most common style of instruction they experienced as students. In response, our weekly instructional meetings regularly demonstrated active learning pedagogy to increase TA experience and familiarity with implementing these strategies. In this session, we will report how the meeting format change impacted the frequency of teaching techniques used by our TAs and, how several TA behaviors changed with respect to meeting preparation and interactions. Additionally, we will share our methods, rationale, and top ?tricks? for influencing course leadership to employ these tactics. In the process, participants will use backward design to develop a plan for creating change in meetings held at their own institutions

Keywords:  TA training

University of California, San Diego (2023)