Writing Assignments in Large Classes With Minimal Support
Norris Armstrong
Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2004, Volume 25
I tested the Internet-based Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) software freely available from UCLA as a tool to help facilitate increased student writing with my non-majors introductory biology class. I found the software easy to use and an effective way to increase student writing without dramatically increasing my workload. Anecdotal evidence also suggested that the writing assignments helped the students learn the material better. Most of the problems I experienced dealt with the design of the assignments themselves and overestimation of the students’ computer skills. Because even small assignments using CPR require a fair amount of work on the part of the student, the software might best serve as a supplement along with other strategies used to introduce writing into large classes.
Keywords: writing, calibrated peer review
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (2003)