Association for Biology Laboratory Education

eLabs Conversion: Convert Your Old Paper Lab Manual into a CD-ROM

Peggy Brickman

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2004, Volume 25


We have undertaken a conversion of our existing paper-based laboratory manuals to electronic delivery via a CD-ROM. The benefits of this technology are numerous: First, it will greatly reduce the cost of delivery per lab manual to $2 from our existing cost of over $24 for a custom published manual; Second, it allows for the inclusion of many color images, animations of techniques, and interactivity like Quicktime VR interactive images, that are impossible using the paper format. However, many instructors feel this is beyond their technical expertise. Using readily available and affordable programs like Macromedia MX and Adobe Acrobat, you can convert the entire contents of your lab manual into a form readily deliverable on CD-ROM.

Keywords:  laboratory development, Laboratory course teaching strategy

University of Nevada, Las Vegas (2003)