Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Integrating Bioinformatic Instruction Into Undergraduate Biology Laboratory Curriculum

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2007, Volume 28

Diane C. Rein, Jennifer Sharkey, & Jane Kinkus


This computer-based laboratory workshop deals with teaching the concepts of bioinformatic research discovery at the undergraduate level in a practical, hands-on, active learning experience that mimics primary bioinformatic bench research. The intent is to integrate bioinformatic literacy into existing laboratory exercises. The computer exercises are divided into four modules of increasing complexity that cover finding information at NCBI, using PubMed's interface as a paradigm for searching and linking to information at NCBI, learning to globally search and analyze bioinformatic information at NCBI's Entrez and finally, learning to effectively hyperlink search and analyze gene structure and function information through Entrez Gene.

Keywords:  bioinformatics

Purdue University (2006)