Association for Biology Laboratory Education

An Investigative Look at the Biology of Invertebrates

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2007, Volume 28

Saphida Migabo & Judy Guinan


Many introductory laboratories on invertebrate biology focus on a broad spectrum of phyla. Frequently, students examine preserved specimens and are only passively involved with the material. Here we introduce an investigative alternative. Student groups each focus on a living representative of a phylum. They pose questions about the animal, and develop and test hypotheses to answer them. They conduct library research and prepare presentations about their phylum. In this way, students learn from each other and gain experience with hypothesis development, testing, library research, and presentation of experimental results. This exercise is suitable for majors' and non-majors' introductory biology courses.

Keywords:  taxonomy, invertebrate

Purdue University (2006)