A Theme-Based Experimental Methods Course Provides Research Experience for Biology Majors
Diane Dorsett & Latanya Hammonds-Odie
Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2014, Volume 35
In order to provide our upper level biology students with a more comprehensive research experience, a course was designed that enabled students to investigate a problem from literature to the bench, within the limits of a fifteen week semester. The objective of the course was to provide students with direct, hands-on experience that would be relevant in most biological career fields. Although biological disciplines vary widely, all require the mastery of a basic set of skills that are essential to scientific inquiry. By using an experimental approach, this course allowed students to follow their own scientific inquiry from conception to “publication,” giving them an integrated understanding of how basic research is performed. By use of their own collected data, students more readily understood data analysis and the conclusions to which it leads. This course was taught as a project-focused course with the instructors selecting a research theme as a scaffold for the assignments and activities involved in developing student research, analytical, and presentation skills. As an example of this methodology, we are reporting on the module created for students to investigate anti-microbial compounds found in plants.
Keywords: antibiotic, inquiry-based experiment, antimicrobial
University of Calgary (2013)