Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Four Strategies for Implementing the Genomics Education Partnership Resources

Don Paetkau

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2014, Volume 35


The Genomics Education Partnership (GEP) is a consortium of colleges and universities (mostly primarily undergraduate institutions), led by Sarah Elgin at Washington University at St. Louis, working with the Wash. U. Genomics Center, and dedicated to bringing genomics research into the undergraduate biology lab setting. The GEP supports a wide range of implementation strategies from a single laboratory activity to a dedicated lecture/lab course. Four implementation strategies have been used at Saint Mary’s College: 1) a single molecular cell biology lab activity; 2) an eight week section of a Biotechnology course; 3) an entire lecture/lab course and 4) a group independent research project. Advantages and disadvantages of these implementation strategies will be presented.

Keywords:  genome annotation

University of Calgary (2013)