Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Use of HTML-based DNA Fingerprinting Simulations to Enhance Student Learning and Critical Thinking in Introductory Biology Courses

Betty L. Black & Marianne Niedzlek-Feaver

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2015, Volume 36


The workshop introduced an html5/JavaScript version of our popular Java applets on DNA “fingerprinting” which now will run on almost all platforms and operating systems, including iPads. The two programs both generate RFLP banding patterns that require students to extend and apply what they have learned about biotechnology. The user the may request an unlimited number of new data sets as generated by an algorithm. These DNA fingerprinting simulations have many potential uses, including online components of a laboratory, active-learning exercises in the classroom, and web-based homework. Both simulations may be downloaded and used for any academic purpose.

Keywords:  simulation, DNA fingerprinting

University of Oregon (2014)