GENI and GENI-ACT Projects Provide Authentic Undergraduate Research Experiences in Genome Analysis
Lori Scott, Angela Ghrist, B. Goodner, K. Houmiel, C. Kerfeld, C. Kvaal, P. Pratt-Szelig, D. Rhoads, S. Slater, R. Welch, & D. Wood
Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2015, Volume 36
The Genomics Education National Initiative (GENI) has partnered with the Microbial Genome Annotation Network (MGAN) to create an online toolkit that consolidates publically available bioinformatics tools into a single platform for the purpose of providing an authentic research experience in microbial genome annotation to undergraduates and high school students. Previously known as the DOE Joint Genome Institute’s IMG-ACT, the GENI Annotation Collaboration Toolkit (GENI-ACT) builds on the capabilities of the previous toolkit by 1) expanding to include access to all sequenced genomes in GenBank, 2) allowing for public dissemination of student work, and 3) allowing for multi-instructor collaborations. As a follow- up to gene annotation studies, the GENI project provides detailed instructions for subsequent functional genomics studies, which is the wet-lab complement to the bioinformatics analysis. MGAN provides training workshops for the GENI-ACT platform. This poster describes the GENI and GENI-ACT projects, faculty resources, and faculty development opportunities.
Keywords: Biochemistry, evolution, cell biology, Genetics
University of Oregon (2014)