Association for Biology Laboratory Education

QUBES Hub: A Vision of Online Collaboration in Teaching and Learning in Quantitative Biology

Robert Sheehy, Drew LaMar, Carrie Eaton, Dorothy Belle Poli, & Anil Shende

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2015, Volume 36


As quantitative tools are recognized as more important to biologists, and biological applications of more interest to mathematicians, an interdisciplinary approach to education in these areas is crucial. Curricular materials for quantitative biology education are being developed at a number of levels; by individuals, via department or college initiatives, and through various professional societies. This dispersed approach has resulted in multiple, non-communicating, repository sites, many of which remain opaque to the quantitative biology community and makes the sharing of information and ideas difficult. To address these difficulties in information sharing, we are creating a compact between several organizations devoted to this common mission of Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES). Our goal is to bring these organizations together to sponsor a single, dynamic, community-sourced hub of educational materials and social-network of users. Here we will present a review of some of the existing and planned functionality of QUBES, and solicit feedback and requested features from those in attendance.

Keywords:  quantitative skill, math, Quantitative, math skills

University of Oregon (2014)