Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Choosy Worms to Teach Experimental Design

Megan F. Cole, Jacobus C. de Roode, & Nicole M. Gerardo

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2016, Volume 37


In this module students learn core concepts in experimental design, data analysis and the ‘messiness’ of biological research by designing and analyzing their own research project using C. elegans, various chemicals, potential bacterial food sources or pathogens, and a simple behavioral assay. Participants in this workshop will design and carry out their own experiment and discuss the potential learning gains for students. This module can easily be adapted for a single period or a multi-week module and can be used in intro classes for majors/non-majors or ecology labs.

Keywords:  experimental design, Caenorhabditis elegans, Inquiry-based learning, inquiry-based experiment, inquiry-based experiments, inquiry-based, CURE

Boston University (2015)