Introducing Writing in an Introductory Lab
Emily Watkinson & Dianne Jennings
Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2016, Volume 37
From the moment that the students start in biology until they graduate there is an expectation that they can or will be able to write effectively. Unfortunately this is often not the case. In an effort to introduce science writing early in student’s academics we have revised our introductory lab classes to include assignments that foster skills in writing as well as help students master content. Weekly online writing assignments include simple summaries of experiments, note-taking on scientific articles, writing components of research papers/posters and self-peer assessed writing assignments. With rubrics provided to both the students and instructors effective feedback can be given and in some cases revisions can be made. For most students there is a steady improvement in basic writing skills throughout the semester.
Keywords: writing, writing assignments, science writing
Boston University (2015)