Association for Biology Laboratory Education

A Mini-Kreisel

Marianne Niedzlek-Feaver

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2016, Volume 37

Poster file:


Kreisels with circular flow patterns have always been the best types of housing for developing and planktonic forms. We have developed at NCSU, using a two gallon aquarium, small beta tank and filter with spraybar, a kreisel that individuals can put together (with no tools except a hacksaw) for about $60.00. We have maintained small Ctenophores, Cnidarians and other invertebrates for as long or longer than our $800.00 to 1200.00 larger commercial kreisels. Now everyone can have a small Ctenophore with iridescent combs (ctenes) feeding in their classroom.

Keywords:  marine aquarium set-up, zooplankton

Boston University (2015)