Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Electrophysiology of Frog Sensory Receptors

Linda Scott

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 1991, Volume 12


This introductory neurophysiology laboratory examines the innervation patterns of frog cutaneous sensory nerves, and the sensory receptor properties of graded response and adaptation. Sensory receptors depolarize when stimulated by a specific stimulus, producing a generator potential. The generator potential is transformed into an action potential on the sensory neuron axon, and is transmitted to the spinal cord and cerebral sensory cortex. Sensory receptors demonstrate the property of graded response. The stronger the stimulus, the greater the number of generator potentials produced by the receptor, and sent as action potentials to the sensory cortex. The increased number of action potentials are interpreted by the sensory cortex as a stronger stimulus. Sensory receptors also demonstrate the property of adaptation. When a stimulus is applied to a sensory receptor continuously over a period of time, the receptor produces fewer generator potentials as time progresses. The reduced number of action potentials received by the sensory cortex are interpreted as a weakening stimulation.

Keywords:  receptor, neurons, graded potential

Southwest Missouri State University (1990)