Data Speaks for Itself: Training Undergraduate Students How to Communicate Science
Jenean O’Brien
Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2016, Volume 37
Data figures are the currency of science communication. Data presented in visual form with a descriptive figure legend should be interpretable by most fellow scientists. Therefore, learning how to appropriately present and interpret data figures is critical to the education of future scientists. Training in these techniques meets several of the core competencies (‘abilities’) outlined in the 2011 AAAS Report on Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education. While learning how to properly design and analyze data figures, biology students engage in the ability to apply the process of science, the ability to use quantitative reasoning, and the ability to communicate and collaborate with other disciplines. For these reasons, a primary focus of our advanced cell biology laboratory course is on developing this skillset. One practice that we implemented to engage students in science communication was to replace traditional lab reports with data figures. Students reported the results of lab course experiments in the format of data figures, complete with associated figure legends. Here, we describe the development of associated materials, including grading rubrics. Further, we discuss the challenges revealed during implementation and how these were resolved. Finally, we present student feedback, indicating the perceived amplification of learning and expanded application utilities enhanced by these activities.
Keywords: rubrics, data figure
Boston University (2015)