Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Using Gromphadorhina portentosa to Study Sensory Neuron Action Potentials

Kenneth G. Sossa & Wes Colgan III

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2017, Volume 38

Supplemental Materials:


Neurophysiological principles are best illustrated using live animal tissue. Here we record Gromphadorhina portentosa leg sensory neuron action potentials using ADInstruments 26T Powerlabs. To begin, G. portentosa were anesthetized at -20°C for about 15 minutes followed by complete excision of a leg. The “Cockroach Sensory Nerve” experiment as outlined in LabTutor by ADInstruments provides easy to follow directions to four exercises. These exercises record and measure sensory neuron action potential intensity (amplitude) and generation (frequency). The first involves testing the effects of different stimuli, e.g. wind. The second exercise examines action potentials among different sensory spines while the third tests how changing the angle of deflection alters the activity. Finally, the fourth investigates the adaptive abilities of sensory spines. Together, these exercises familiarize students with sensory organ functions, key neuroscience concepts, and specialized instrumentation.

Keywords:  action potential, extracellular recording, sensory neurons, Powerlabs

University of Houston (2016)