Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Encouraging Metacognition through Mandatory Exam Review

Pamela L. Connerly

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2017, Volume 38


Some of the most memorable and exciting experiences in teaching occur when students grasp what they need to change in their approach to learning, make that change, and sharply improve their understanding and performance. Yet, simply describing good study practices in class is not sufficient to inspire all students to work harder and smarter to learn the important concepts. Students are often receptive to feedback after underperforming on exams, but they are not always willing to seek out help and advice from the instructor. I have designed an Exam Intervention Policy that requires students to meet with me and complete a quiz and exam review process if they score a C- or lower on an exam. Having a policy ensures that all students at-risk of not achieving the C required for biology majors at least have a conversation with me about exam preparation techniques and exam-taking skills. Assessment of the effectiveness of the intervention is ongoing. In this mini workshop, I will present details about my policy and lead a discussion with attendees on their techniques, reflections, and suggestions for helping students improve their study processes and exam success.

Keywords:  exam review, metacognition, classroom management

University of Houston (2016)