Association for Biology Laboratory Education

It Takes Time: Learning Process of Science through an Integrative, Multi-semester Lab Curriculum

Janet M. Batzli, Michelle A. Harris, & Seth A. McGee

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2018, Volume 39


What does an integrated multi-semester, process of science-based lab curriculum look like? And what do students really learn? This paper outlines teaching goals, learning outcomes, affordances and challenges of a multi-semester biology core lab curriculum. We describe how we organize and scaffold skill development over time, and how we create an agile curriculum that changes with emerging knowledge of the discipline and is scaled to 115 students/semester. We share key details of our process of science teaching approach, how we integrate science communication and statistics, and sample assessments aimed to foster the development of scientific reasoning over time. Finally, we feature undergraduate students voices who describe their experience diving into questions and experimentation on their first day of class and how they progress as scientists over 2-3 semesters. We then discuss process of science components that are critical for sustaining this type of multi-semester, developmental curriculum.

Keywords:  scaffolding, process of science, experimentation, curriculum scaffold

University of Wisconsin, Madison (2017)