Introduction of Inquiry Based Labs for Non-Science Major Biology Students At the University of North Georgia
Linda Purvis & Swapna Bhat
Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2018, Volume 39
Previously, our non-majors introductory biology course laboratory material was very passive for student learning. This is a popular course yet also a basic core requirement that students must take. However, most came into the course with the predisposition that it will be boring and have no application for their career or life. Materials used were almost two decades old and did not reflect a lot of the recent advances made in biology. The overall goal was to introduce guided inquiry based labs that are up-to-date and relevant to everyday life. We developed inquiry based creative lab experiences for non-science focused students while initiating engaging lab modules that will replace our previous passive learning set up. We believe that a successful biology course for non-majors will encourage students to develop a child-like curiosity about the wonders of the living world around them. As informed citizens they will be able to evaluate, question and discriminate information provided to them via different media.
Keywords: non-majors biology, introductory biology, Inquiry-based learning, inquiry-based, non-science majors, inquiry lab
University of Wisconsin, Madison (2017)