Association for Biology Laboratory Education

AIDS Testing: A Demonstration/Problem

Rosamond Potter

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 1992, Volume 13


The World Health Organization estimates that by the year 2000 a cumulative total of 40 million men, women, and children will have been infected by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), the primary causative agent of AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) (Culliton, 1991). Medical and social problems associated with AIDS on a worldwide scale will be very much a matter of concern for the foreseeable future. To encourage students to think about the current state of our understanding and our public policy with respect to this disease, we have developed a short demonstration/problem for students that involves the western blot method for diagnosing exposure to HIV (this method is the most definitive test for HIV commonly used at this time). Using HIV western blots from our local hospital testing service, we present the students with three blots (in the form of a color xerox): a positive and a negative control and a third blot for them to interpret. With the support of accompanying background text on the method, the students can then determine whether the third blot result is positive, negative, or indeterminate.

Keywords:  Western blot, HIV

University of Wyoming, Laramie (1991)