Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Exploring Macroevolution

Kari Benson

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2019, Volume 40


The unity and diversification of life is the key framework of biology and yet is a difficult concept for students to grasp. Here, we study macroevolution by reflecting on the geologic history of the students’ home towns and solving fossil puzzles. Participants solve puzzles to explore how paleontologists learn about evolutionary history, and practice using online resources to determine the origin and age of fossils. Most puzzles require some combination of direct observation and online analysis. Students present their findings to demonstrate the varied approaches in each. Fossils samples can be ordered online and these puzzles can be adapted for use anywhere. Student learning assessment is conducted through both oral presentations and a brief written summary. The combination of hands-on experience and online research encourages reflection on both deep-time and the unity of life.

Keywords:  fossils, macroevolution, geology

The Ohio State University (2018)