Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Cells at Work: Using Role Play to Model Biomolecular Processes

Judy E. Moore

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2019, Volume 40


Cells are in a constant state of flux, taking in “supplies” then modifying them into metabolites and necessary biomolecules as they perform energy transformations to build products for intracellular and extracellular use. This article describes ways to design props and perform skits and other physical demonstrations to model a variety of biomolecular processes. The open-ended style of these activities is intended to encourage discussion, incorporate student suggestions, and involve invention of variations to model regulatory complexities, to incorporate student suggestions, and to maximize meaningful engagement for all students. These activities may be adapted to small scale (partner,

Keywords:  metabolic pathway, active learning, role-play, metabolic regulation

The Ohio State University (2018)