Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Biodiversity Stampede: An Examination of Diversity through the Study of Postage Stamps

Yasmine Lotfi, Jillian Huff, Mary Mulcahy, & Sarah E. Ruffell

Advances in Biology Laboratory Education, 2020, Volume 41


Taxonomy and systematics is vital to the biology curriculum and requires a unique set of pedagogical tools to enhance student interest and engagement with the content. This lab exercise uses postage stamps with pictures of fauna and flora from around the world to discuss topics related to taxonomy. These activities can be completed in 1-hour and can be done in groups of 2-3 students. Students should have an introductory high school knowledge of classification and systematics to complete this activity. Students organize the flora and fauna on each stamp by traits such as the presence of fur and vertebrae. This exercise is unique because it allows students to examine the taxonomic characteristics of each organism, while also placing that organism within the larger context of biogeography and biodiversity.

Keywords:  taxonomy, Biodiversity, organization

University of Ottawa (2019)