Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Engaging Students in Experiential Learning: Texas Integrated Diving and Ecological Studies (TIDES) Laboratory

Stephanie A. Lockwood, Shannon Hill, & Stephanie Randell

Advances in Biology Laboratory Education, 2020, Volume 41

Poster file:


The Texas Integrated Diving and Ecological Studies (TIDES) laboratory is a collegiate multi-institutional, international research program designed to engage students through experiential and inquiry-based learning, where students develop and complete novel marine biology projects. Experiential learning is learning from life experiences and inquiry-based learning is where students are an active participant, propose questions and plan and perform research projects (Kolb, 2014). In the TIDES program, students review coral reef research literature, write proposals, develop materials and methods and then execute their research on the Mesoamerican Coral Reef bordering the island of Roat?n, Honduras. To guide the development of research topics, during the spring semester, students receive lectures on oceanography, marine ecology, marine invertebrates, coral ecology, coral disease and identification, as well as fish ecology and identification. During each lecture, potential research areas are discussed. Previous research students return to speak with current students about their research topic, results and fieldwork experiences. In conjunction with traditional coursework, students become open water dive certified, receive lectures on marine field techniques and boat etiquette.

Keywords:  study abroad, Inquiry-based learning, coral reef research, marine biology

University of Ottawa (2019)