Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Effects on Human Heart & Breathing Rates by Face Mask-Wearing, During Short Periods of Exercise

James Casey and Jessica Goldstein

Advances in Biology Laboratory Education, 2022, Volume 42


This experiment focuses on the cardiorespiratory effects of face mask-wearing during short periods of exercise. Analyzing how face masks affect heart and breathing rates is relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic, as there is mis-information regarding how face masks work and what impact they have on an individual?s physiology and health. This lab was designed for remote learning in an introductory biology course but could be easily modified for in-person instruction. To participate, students need only one face mask (e.g. N95, surgical, cloth, etc.) and internet access. Students independently measure their own heart and breathing rates after exercising with and without a face mask. Student data is pooled to increase sample size for statistical analysis and for community building. Utilization of a peer-reviewed manuscript that examined similar physiological parameters collected from clinicians wearing medical masks aided in hypothesis formation, as well as a deeper understanding of this experiment.

Keywords:  physiology, heart, exercise, Inquiry-based learning, lungs, journal reading, remote learning

Virtual ABLE (ViABLE) (2021)