Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Developing Laboratory Skills Digital Badges

Megan Cole, Angela Seliga, and Mark Walvoord

Advances in Biology Laboratory Education, 2022, Volume 42


Specific laboratory techniques such as using micropipettes, performing PCR reactions, or plating microbes, along with other employable competencies, can be marketable attributes for undergraduates seeking research opportunities. Digital badges could be used to certify achievement of these skills to allow students to easily communicate their employment readiness on their CVs or LinkedIn profiles. Prior to this conference session, participants completed background readings/videos, took a survey, earned a digital badge, and created a free Badgr account. During the synchronous workshop, participants worked together to identify skills for sample badges in one of five categories, wrote criteria for those badge awards, saw how to create a digital badge in Badgr, and discussed implementation strategies. Participants were generally in favor of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education issuing some standardized digital badges in the future.

Keywords:  employable skills, digital badging, micro-credentialing, motivation

Virtual ABLE (ViABLE) (2021)